Chapter Thirty

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This is chapter thirty and this isn't even finish yet 😂 (we still need some Wendy and Momo, Namgi smut and Jinyunghope smut)

The bell went and Dahyung wrap her arm around Amber making her blush. From afar you will see an angry Wendy.

"Stupid bitch, thinking that Dahyung really loves her. Ha!" Wendy says.

She walked to the lockers and saw Jungkook by herself, reading. This made Wendy smirk and walk to her and punch the book down. Jungkook saw who it was and was scared.

"Aw, is the bunny scared?" Ask Wendy, laughing.

She started pushing Jungkook to the ground and pulling her hair, making her scream. Sooner or later Jungkook started to cry.

Wendy started to kick the shit out of Jungkook making her cry even more.

"That's enough for me." Says Wendy, leaving.

Jungkook tried to get up but got put down by how weak sheus.

Luckily her two girlfriends came and ran to her.

"What happened babygirl?" Ask Jimin, feeling angry.

"W-Wendy came and-and she started to hut me." Jungkook sobbed.

"That son of a bitch!" Jimin yelled.

Jimin marched up to Wendy and slap her.

"Ah! What the fuck Jimin!" Yelled Wendy, holding her cheek.

"That's what you get for hurting my babygirl!" Jimin says, slapping her once more.

Jimin ran away to the nurse and saw her two babies there with a man nurse.


Momo saw Jimin and slap her. She wanted to help but her mind stop her. Only because she did bad, she hurt the most popular girl's girlfriend. So she deserves that. But somehow Momo wants to help her but she doesn't know if she loves girls.

No she doesn't, she loves men. Why would anyone love you!

Momo's thoughts started to make tears come.

She ran to the bathroom and let the tears come. Sooner or later Wendy came and saw Momo.

"What's wrong with you?" She ask, cheekily.

This made Momo know she would never love her.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing." She mumbled.

Authors notes

🎶I'm weak and what's wrong with that?🎶 - I'm weak (ajr)

I hope this is okay. Been stressing out and school sucks! My hand not hurts. It has a burnt mark now and has a freaking bruise!

I'll go now, have a fun day! (Unlike me)

You nice, keep going - Park Jimin

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