Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"She does?" Dahyung ask, with a huge smile on her face

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"She does?" Dahyung ask, with a huge smile on her face.

"Yeah, come on." Jungkook says.

The three girls left to go to the bathroom, leaving Momo alone at the lockers.

They went to the bathrooms, and seeing two girls blush just makes the three other smirk.

"We will give you alone time." Says Jimin, grabbing her two babys.

Dahyung sat next to Amber making her blush.

"So I kinda found out you love me, is that right?" Ask Dahyung, hoping they were right.

"Yeah, I love far too much." Amber says, hiding herself.

"Why didn't you tell me? I love you for the longest time." Dahyung says.

Then Amber started telling her the story.

"What the fuck!?" Dahyung says, angrily.

This somewhat scared Amber, making her whimper.

"Shit! I'm sorry." She says, hugging Amber tightly.

"Amber," says Dahyung.

"Yeah tofu?" Amber says, making Dahyunv blush at the nickname.

"Would you be my girlfriend?" Ask Dahyung.

"YES!" Screamed Amber, making Dahyung laugh.


The bell went and everyone went to class. Amber went and sat next to Wendy. Why you may ask. Wendy told her to always sit next to her in class or else she would get bullied.

Amber sighed and started to draw Dahyung.

"You still love her?" Wendy ask.

Amber nodded, smiling because she is now with Dahyung.

"She doesn't love you, who would love an idiot like you? She's popular, she should hang out with me." Wendy says.

Amber looked away as tears streamed down.

Luckily Dahyung was in the same class and saw her baby crying. This tick off Dahyung. She knew it was Wendy's doing.

Dahyung went to them and had an angry look.

"What do you think you are doing?" Dahyung says.

She saw the tears on Ambers cheeks.

"I've done nothing, she is just a crybaby. Because she knew that she can never get you." Wendy laugh.

"Oh well here's the new story, me and Amber are together and if you make her cry again I won't be worried to hurt you." Dahyung says sternly.

"Come on baby, sit next to me." Dahyubg says.

Amber got up and got her stuff, she sat next to Dahyung and lean on her shoulder.

"Baby, if she hurts you please tell me." Dahyung says.

"Okay babe." Amber says, smiling.

Authors notes

🎶you still look perfect as days goes bye🎶 - Love Someone (Luka Graham)

I hope this was okay, I feel like this is going nowhere. I have no idea when this is going to end but I do no is that it's no where near the end. But I'm sorry if you are bored of this already, I just write what comes into mind and a lot comes in mind.

But I also post two other books, but only have one chapter and it's finish. One Vmin and one Jikook.

You nice, keep going - Park Jimin

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