Chapter Twenty-Six

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Jungkook woke up, seeing her two girlfriends hugging her

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Jungkook woke up, seeing her two girlfriends hugging her. She tried to get up put got pulled back down by Jim in.

"Stay." She mumbled, her eyes still close.

"Mhm! I want to get clothes on." Whined Jungkook, crossing her arms.

"Fine, but come straight back after you're done." Jimin says, making Jungkook nod.

"Okay." She says, Jimin nether go as she went to get changed.

She came back and saw that her two girlfriends are up.

"Hello baby girl." Says Taehyung.

Jungkook blushed and sat on the bed, but only to get lick up and sat on Taehyung's lap, whilst Jimin was getting changed.

"When are you going to get change?" Ask Jungkook, playing with Taehyung's hair.

"Later, I just woke up." She says.


A few nights ago (with Hoseok, and the two boys)

Hoseok waited behind the school, waiting for the two boys to arrive.

"Hello baby boy." Says one, making Hoseok look at the two boys. Feeling small.

"H-Hello." Stuttered Hoseok, making the two smirk.

"Oh, I forgot you don't know our names." Says one.

"D-Do you know mine?" Hoseok ask, cursing himself for stuttering.

"Yes baby boy, we already know, Jung Hoseok." Smirk one of them, making the boy blush.

"Well, I'm Park Jinhyubg and this is Kin SeokJin." Says Jinhyung.

"But you can call me Jin. I hate it when someone calls me SeokJin." Jin complained.

"O-Okay." Hoseok says.

"Why don't we go someplace else baby boy?" Ask Jin, smirking.

"S-Sure." Says Hoseok.



The three girls went to school seeing Namjoin putting his books away as Yoongi wrap her arms around him.

"Hey people!" Taehyung yelled, causing the four of them to laugh.

"Hiya." Says Yoonhi, showing her gummy smile.

Later they saw Hoseok smiling.

"Why are you smiling Hobi?" Yoongi ask.

"Because." He says, then looked at his phone and smiled wider.

"I gotta go." He says, smirking at his phone and walked away.

"What was that about?" Jungkook ask.

"I don't know, but he was happy." Namjoon says, making the rest nod.

"Let's get to class, shall we?" Jimin ask her two girlfriends.

"We shall." Jungkook and Taehyung say at the same time.

Authors notes

🎶all I want for Christmas is you, baby🎶 -  All I Want For Christmas Is You (Mariah Carey)

I hope this was good, sorry that I lied. I was reading a Namjoon FF and that made me want to write.

Now that Hoseok, Jinhyung and Jin are together. I'll try and make smut for them and Namgi.

Have a great day!

You nice, keep going - Park Jimin

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