Chapter four: Who knows?

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I met up with Kaylee the next day before class. We went out to get some coffee and a little something for breakfast.

Since neither one of us were in a hurry to get to class, we sat down at a table next to a window and talked for a while.

I'm growing to like Kaylee a lot. Not in a romantic type of way, but I do like her as a friend. She's a really great person. She has a great personality and everything about her is just amazing.

As we were talking, I felt my phone vibrate. I looked down at it and saw a text from Scarlette. I smiled then replied to her and that caught Kaylee's attention.

"What are you smiling at?" I looked up to see her wiggling her eyebrows.

I couldn't help but laugh. "My friend texted me to say that her and my other friend was coming over this weekend."

She nods. "Cool. What's their names?" She took a sip of her coffee.

"Scarlett and Kyle."

She smiles. "That's cool. Where are they from?"

"They're from my old hometown. They couldn't move here with me because of reasons. So every chance they get, they come to spend the weekend with me." I said as I took a sip of my coffee.

She chuckled. "Where are you from?"

I shrug. "I don't think I want to tell you. You could be a stalker." I smiled at her.

She gasps. "Offensive to all the stalkers out there."

I laughed and she started laughing also. We sat there, in a crowded place, laughing our asses off.

After we calmed down, I looked over at her and wanted to laugh again but decided against it since everyone was already looking at us. "Oh goodness, that was funny." She wiped under her eyes and I couldn't help but smile.

"You just basically called yourself a stalker." I reminded her.

She looks at me. "If I am, we're still friends, right?"

I smiled then nodded. "Of course." I watched her for a moment. "But, are you?"

She stared at me then looked at her nonexistent watch. "Oh crap. We're going to be late." She looks over at me. "I guess we'll never know." She smiled.

I shook my head as I stood up with her and grabbed my coffee along with my backpack. We both walked out of the door and through the parking lot. Since our college wasn't far away, we decided to walk instead of drive.

As we were walking down the sidewalk, we started talking and I looked over at her and couldn't help but smile as she was explaining something.

I find everything she does extremely amazing.

After we ran across the street to avoid getting hit by a car, we made it to the other sidewalk and walked down it until we were in front of the college.

"I hate exercising." Kaylee said once we reached the front doors.

I smiled. "That was barely called exercising. It wasn't that far."

She shook her head. "Too far for me."

I smiled as we walked to the classroom. When we walked in, I noticed that only a few people was here. As we walked to our table and sat down our backpacks, I looked down at my phone and noticed that we were atleast five minutes early.

I looked over at Kaylee and wondered why she told me that we were almost late. I sat down and looked to the front to see Mrs. White standing there in front of her computer.

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