Chapter three: First Encounter

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By the next morning, I was rushing to get ready as I was already late to class.

I had slept in because I stayed up late watching Netflix and didn't realize the time. I don't think anyone ever pays attention to the time when watching Netflix.

I took a quick shower, and did my hair before rushing around trying to find something to wear. I hate looking through my closet and not being about to find anything when I have at least twenty outfits right in front of my face.

I saw a text from Kaylee, but didn't message her back as I was frantically trying to get ready.

After I had got dressed, I took a look in the mirror before nodding in approval. I grabbed the keys from the hook then walked out the front door and locked it behind me.

I walked to my car and got in then pulled the seatbelt over my chest and started the engine. I backed out of the parking spot then left the apartment parking.

As I was driving, I tried to find something to listen to on the radio. Of course there wasn't anything good, so I turned it off. I had my phone linked up to bluetooth, but I didn't want to listen to anything at the moment.

It didn't take long for me to reach the college. I found a parking spot, then grabbed my backpack and ran to the front doors. I knew I was at least twenty minutes late, and the first class I had was Mrs. White.

I just hope she doesn't get too mad.

I ran to the door of the classroom then stopped to catch my breath. I didn't want anyone thinking that I was running all the way here, which I was, but I didn't want anyone thinking that.

I walked in and everyone looked at me. I saw Mrs. White at the whiteboard, and she stopped to watch me walk in. "I'm sorry I'm late." I said as I walked over to the table where Kaylee was.

Since they don't give you a late note, you're forced to come in and face the consequences whatever the instructor gives you.

Mrs. White looked over at me for a moment. "Stay after class, Dakota." I nod as she went back to teaching.

Kaylee nudged my arm to get my attention. I looked over at her as she was staring at me. "Why were you late? I texted you this morning."

"I overslept. I saw your text but forgot to message back."

She smiles. "It's ok. Mrs. White was wondering where you were."

I look to the front to watch her as she was teaching, and even though I had no idea what she was saying, I couldn't help but become extremely interested.

Since classes are an hour long, and I was about thirty minutes late, time seemed to fly by as class had already ended.

I sigh as I got up and swung my backpack strap over my shoulder. Kaylee gave me a smile as she said her goodbye then followed everyone else out of the classroom.

That left me and Mrs. White.

I walked to where she was standing in front of her computer. She looked over at me then stepped away to turn towards me. "You're not in trouble." I gave her a confused look then she continued. "I just need to know why you were late."

"I overslept." I said.

She nods. "Understandable, but it can't happen all the time, Dakota."

"I know, and it won't. I just stayed up late watching movies."

She smiles. "I'll give you points for honesty." She went back to her computer for a moment before speaking. "Since you missed half of class today, and we did discuss something important, I need for you to stay after class tomorrow to make up the lecture." She looks over at me. "Sound fair?"

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