Chapter Twenty Four: Take You As You Are

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As you are^ by The Weeknd

"Do you have proof?"

I shook my head. "No, but-"

"Then we can't help. Sorry."

I watched as the man behind the desk turned away from me. I stared at him until I decided to leave. I can't believe the police can't do anything unless they have proof.

How the hell am I suppose to get proof?

I am not about to stakeout and wait for him to come around Emma again. There's no way I could just sit there and wait for it to happen.

I had to think of something else. But I had to make sure that I wasn't going to put myself or Emma in danger.

I just couldn't do this by myself. There was no way in hell that I could stand up to Paul.

I didn't want to get into all that investigation shit, so I needed to talk to Emma about everything first. I need to know why she won't go to the police or why she won't tell anyone about it.

I skipped classes today, and I knew I shouldn't have. I have been behind in a few of classes, and it's going to be hell trying to get my grades back.

"Where were you?" Kaylee asks as she got out of the car in front of my apartment. "You missed classes."

I shrugged as I opened the door to my apartment. "I just had things to do."

"What things?" She asks as she walks inside.

I shrugged again. "I don't know."

We walked through the hall and I saw my mom sitting on the couch. "Hey mom."

She smiled over at me. "Hey."

"Hi Mrs. Nichols." Kaylee said as she smiled.

My mom smiled then stood up. I watched as she walked over to Kaylee. "Mom, this is Kaylee."

They introduced themselves as I walked to the fridge and grabbed something to drink. I watched them for a moment until Kaylee looked over at me. "Does your mom know you skipped today?"

I looked over at my mom as she was watching me. "Why did you skip? I thought you left this morning?"

"I did, but I had things to do. Don't worry about it." I looked between them.

My mom shook her head in disappointment as Kaylee looked at me. "Why won't you tell me where you were?"

"Cause it was just some business I had to take care of. No big deal."

Kaylee stared at me for a moment. "Are you in a gang?" I rolled my eyes but shook my head. "Drug dealer?"

I chuckled. "No, I'm not."

"Assassin." She said as she followed me to the living room.

I shook my head as I sat on the couch and she sat next to me. "I just had errands to run, it's not big deal."

"Errands that required for you to skip all day?" I nod as she stared at me. "I don't believe you."

I chuckled. "Whatever then."

We sat there watching tv, and I could feel Kaylee's eyes on me the whole time. I didn't like lying to her, but this time it wasn't her business on what I was doing.

I'm still not sure on what exactly I'm going to do. I don't want to be an idiot and do something stupid that might hurt Emma, or myself.

I wasn't even sure on how to get proof that Paul was hurting Emma.

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