Chapter Thirty Six: Bits and Pieces

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The moment I pulled up at my apartment, I heard loud music and some people outside of an apartment a few rows down.

I parked then got out and saw Will standing outside. He saw me and walked over to me. "Hey, Dakota." He smiled.

"Hey, Will." I smiled back then looked towards where those people were. "What's going on?"

He looked over his shoulder then back at me. "Just a party."

"Doesn't look like just a party to me." I chuckled. It sounded like it was more than just a party.

He shrugs. "I don't know. So, what's up?"

I walked over to my apartment with him following me. I unlocked my door then walked inside. After Will shut the door, I turned towards him.

"Emma and I are fighting."

He looks at me. "Oh, shit. Why?"

I sigh as I walk to the kitchen. "I thought she was cheating on me or whatever, but I was just over-thinking shit and it ended up with us fighting."

He leaned over the counter as he watched me. "That's not good."

I nod as I took a bottle of water out of the fridge. "Yeah, so now I don't know what to do."

"What do you mean?" He asks.

I took a sip of my water then looked at him. "What?"

"Why don't you know what to do?"

I shrug. "I apologized but she didn't accept it. She told me to leave, so I left."

"Why?" He looks at me.

I stare at him for a moment. "Why what?"

He smiles. "Why did you just leave?"

"Because she told me to?" I questioned as I wasn't sure what he meant.

"But did you want to leave?" He asks. I shook my head as I watched him. "Then why did you? Why didn't you stay and talk to her?"

I sat my water bottle down. "I'm not really sure that she wanted me to stay."

"So? I mean, every relationship needs communication. Without it, there's really nothing there. Even if the other person is mad or doesn't want to talk, it's still healthy to talk to each other. Understand each other a little better and make the situation better." He shrugs.

I stared at him for a moment. "Ok, and you're single?"

He chuckles. "I know, right? But seriously, you need to go talk to her." He shrugs. "That would be the best thing to do. Even if she doesn't want to talk, you need to explain yourself and work things out."

I thought about what Will was saying and he was absolutely right. I shouldn't have walked away. I should have stayed to talk to her and explain myself so we wouldn't be in this situation.

"She's still at the campus right now. She had to work late, so I can't go back there." I watched as he nodded.

He smiled at me. "You can come over to my apartment so I can kick your ass in Madden."

I roll my eyes as I smiled. "You're on, Blake."

I made sure to lock my apartment as we walked over to his. I could still hear that music, which I still heard even inside my apartment.

I followed Will inside and I shut the door behind me. I've been in his apartment several times, and it always felt like home. It was cozy and inviting that anyone who walks in just feels better.

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