Chapter six: Interested

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The weekend went by pretty fast. It seems as though time passes by fast nowadays. Although I didn't do anything throughout the weekend, besides being lazy or hanging out with Kyle and Scarlett, or Kaylee. It still went by pretty fast.

Before Scarlett and Kyle left, I talked to her about Kaylee and she said next time she'll try to see what happens and maybe they'll hang out.

I haven't told Kaylee yet.

Kaylee hasn't really forgotten about the whole Mrs. White thing, and I was kind of hoping she would have.

But when we met up at campus, she was smiling like an idiot. "Ready?" She asks as we walked through the front doors.

"For?" I asked as we rounded the corner.

She smiles. "Mrs. White to be."

I roll my eyes as we stopped at the classroom door. "Please don't do anything that is going to make me regret being your friend."

She smiles but never answers me as she walks through the door. I hesitately follows behind her as I was scared that she was going to make a scene.

When I came in behind her, I noticed that we were the only two students here.

Mrs. White was at her computer and I knew Kaylee had this all planned out.

I sat my backpack down and sat next to Kaylee. I didn't look at Mrs. White cause I could practially feel Kaylee staring at me.

"You two are here early." Mrs. White said.

I kept my eyes on the table as Kaylee spoke. "Yes, ma'am. Early learners."

"That's good."

We sat there for a moment until I heard Kaylee again. "When do we get to see our quizzes that we took last week?"

I looked up to make eye contact and saw Mrs. White looking on her computer. "I have them now, so I'll get them to everyone today." She smiles over at us.

Kaylee leans back in her chair and I sat there scribbling on the notebook that was in front of me. It seemed as though time was passing slow and no one was coming through the classroom door.

"So Mrs. White," Kaylee spoke. I looked over at her as she was staring ahead. "what's your favorite color?"

I looked over at Mrs. White as she was watching Kaylee for a moment until she chuckled. "That was a random question, but I like the color blue."

I looked back over at Kaylee as she nods and smiles. "Cool." She went back to whatever she was doing and I stared at her, clearly confused.

"What's yours?" Mrs. White spoke after a moment.

Kaylee looked over at her and shrugged. "Depends."

"On?" Mrs. White asks.

Kaylee thought for a moment. "My mood. I have different colors that I like when I'm in different moods. I have no idea why."

Mrs. White chuckled then after a moment she spoke towards me. "What is your favorite color, Dakota?"

I looked over at her for a moment. "All the colors of the rainbow." I smiled at her.

She smiled back then slowly nods. "I see." She went back to her computer after a moment.

I looked over at Kaylee as she was staring at me and I shrugged as I went back to scribbling on my notebook.

After a few moments of silence, I leaned over towards Kaylee and whispered to her. "I know what you're doing and it's not going to work." I smiled over at her as she rolls her eyes.

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