Part 48

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*Super duper ultra tiny sexual*

Silence met my request as Laird continued to watch me. His eyes piercing my own and slowly making me uncomfortable. Was I asking too much too soon?

Suddenly, a sickening snap rang through the field, causing me to flinch from such sharp and loud sound. My eyes landed on Laird's shoulder that was unnaturally turned, his white bone protruding from his tanned and ripped skin. With my eyes widening more and more, I could feel my stomach flip as his hip moved next, the breaking of his joints resonating around us. His body continued to break, slowly forming a new body - Laird's body. Thick black hair sprouted from underneath the skin, doting his still deformed body in ugly patches.

Laird shifted his body away from mine and I instantly sat up. Before me was a giant morphing mass of black fur, bones and muscles. Slowly, a long snout with bared teeth began shifting into place, followed by the rest of the head, neck, shoulders.....

The body of the beast was getting bigger by the second and my heart was beginning to beat in sue. Not a single groan or whine of pain escaped Laird's mouth and only laboured breaths escaped mine. My brain was having a hard time believing what was happening before me.

A man turning into a beast from tales of old.

I watched as claws protruded from deformed mass of black fur that slowly shaped itself into an arm. Next was the torso, then legs with claw like nails digging into dirt. His fur evened out throughout the body and lastly, a puffy and long tail swiped across the ground, the end softly touching the grass blades.

Just like that, Laird stood in his true form, right before me. He moved his head high and a strong howl escaped his throat, reaching the moon and my stomach that knit itself into tight knot. Not even a second later, three other howls ripped the night's sky, causing my heart to hammer my ribs even harder.

There were more of them?

Laird lowered his eyes to me, his navy, almost black, eyes assessing me, watching like I was his prey. And maybe I was. He said it himself, he was a beast of instincts.

His massive body was towering over mine, reminding me of the night before. My hand, unbeknownst to me, rose where his teeth sank into my flesh and brought fear into my chest.

'I'm not going to hurt you' a deep voice rang inside my head, causing me to jump on my feet out of fright.


'Your neck, I won't bite you'

'Oh...' only then I felt my hand hiding the spot and I slowly moved it away. It was so weird to hear scarier Tlaloc's voice inside my head. It will most likely bring headaches soon.

'Why did you bite me in the first place?' I asked, eyeing the beast before me cautiously and keeping my distance. Thankfully, he didn't move either.

'So that I could communicate with you. It doesn't matter when I bite, when you are in fear or heat, the pain would have been the same either way' he explained lowering himself on all four and slowly began walking towards me.

I take my words back, he is closing the gap.

My body visibly froze and didn't budge when he reached me. Slowly, taking his sweet time, Laird circled me, his wet and cold nose creeping up my body by touching my thighs, shoulder blades and finally my neck - the spot where he bit. My breaths were caught in my throat as I waited for him to do something scary, my chest already waiting to explode out of horror.

'But I can still taste you' he whispered and, suddenly, ran his rough tongue across my shoulder and up my neck. It was so sudden that my body didn't register what was going on until he was done with his quick lick. My shocked yelp followed as I jumped away from him and turned around, my wide eyes on him.


He had a grin. I knew that he would be grinning if he was in Tlaloc's body. He lowered himself on all four again and began slowly walking in a big circle around me, his puffy tail playfully swishing to the sides.

'Me what?' He asked and I heard the grin in his voice.

'D-don't do that or I'll... I'll...'

'You will what?' The grin went wider, I could feel it.

I was trying my best to come up with a threat that would seriously make him consider his actions, but I couldn't come up with anything. My eyes were trying to glue themselves to his puffy tail that looked amazing and I said the first thing my brain created.

'I-I will take your tail hostage' I blurred out and silence followed. My cheeks were quickly warming up while Laird watched me.

'Oh? Do I smell your weakness against me? Taking my tail as a hostage? And how will you do that?' He chuckled and playfully swung his tail, my eyes instantly on it. It was so puffy and.....

I shook my thoughts of his tail away and bit my lower lip. He swished his tail again and my body reacted. I stormed to him and my arms snared around his tail, puffy fur exploding in front of me. Laird must have not expected my sudden move, because I saw him flinch and then shiver.

'Like that' I said grinning triumphantly and buried my face into his soft tail, my face's skin already in a bliss. He looked back at me with unreadable look and with a strong tug pulled his tail out. The next thing I know, his tail quickly slaped me across the face.


I looked at him shocked once again while he wolfishly grinned. Except, this time, his smirk felt somehow different, more raw.

'Then I'll have your body as a hostage as well' he spoke, his words low as he lowered himself back on all four. Before I could answer him, he jumped on me like the night before, the distance between us disappearing in a second. With a scream of shock and horror, I was pushed down on the ground, his wolf head in front of my face. I could feel my heart hammer against my ribcage like a humming bird. His body was so many times bigger than mine that he easily locked me down. I felt him pressing his cold nose against my neck and shivers ran down my spine.

'Maybe you are ready for me after all hmm?' He whispered seductively and his tongue once again touched my neck. My hand automatically gripped his shoulders that were oh so much wider than your normal human's while my body reacted in forbidden way.

'L-Laird?' I spoke his name more like a question as he was slowly licking his way down to my collarbone. Upon hearing his name, his teeth softly grazed my skin and a rumble moved in his chest, vibrating my upper stomach at the same time.

'My name will sound so much better with you screaming it' he growled out and reached my collarbone, his tongue curling up against the dip at the center. Upon hearing his word, my eyes went wide and my cheeks aflame.

'What?!' I exclaimed, embarrassed beyond belief. He chuckled and moved up, leaving my neck alone.

'It's so fun to tease you' he chuckled and watched me from above, most likely enjoying my embarrassed form. I could feel his tail playfully hitting my ankles as it swayed to the sides.

And then it suddenly stopped.

Laird moved his gaze from me and looked above me. The playful atmosphere was gone in an instant and his body went rigid. I followed his eyes and strained my head to look up, my eyes landing on the line of ancient trees, just like before. But only a couple seconds later, Ogden ran through the same line, his serious eyes on us.

'Sorry to disturb your bonding with Luna, Alpha, but there was a murder at the village. You are needed there this instant'.

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