Chapter Four

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From  staying a day in the  hospital for examination  I ended up staying for a week.  News flash... Umma didn't  show  up not even  for once and I finally  stopped  caring but my heart kept wishing for her to come even if she's going to glare  at me or say something  mean.  Aunty Hadiza took over Abba's duty of staying with me in the hospital. Adeel, Zaheera and Nawal came to  visit  me bearing lots of gifts.

Wanna know what happened  that day I thought  I was gonna die?  Okay open your ears because it is a funny story.

It turned out that it was just my imagination  and messed up mind playing tricks  on me.  I was not going to die.  I was just so sick and my stomach hurts like hell. I slept for two hours before  I woke up with a jolt asking aunty Hadiza  whether  I'm in heaven. It cracked her up real hard. She said yes you're in the heaven of pediatric  ward.  I rubbed my eyes and pouted mumbling incoherently. I was  still  in shock for two days  having sleepless nights and crazy imaginations. I had to be moved  to another private room before I go crazy.

Aunty Hadiza finally had enough of  whatever  is going on between Umma and I so out  of  the blue  she popped  up the dreaded question.

". Tasneem what happened  between you and Binta?  She didn't  show up for once neither call to ask after your health. Are you sure everything  is okay? " She asked in a soothing  manner and I burst into tears.

I want to let it out and tell her  everything. I want to scream and cry over  all the pain umma made me went through. I want aunty Hadiza  to listen and sympathize  with me but I can't say a word. After much cajoling and fake promises of keeping whatever I'm going  to tell her a secret Aunty  Hadiza  managed to get a little bit of information from me.  I told her about what happened  the day  we visited her and the silent treatment that followed.  She knows  that there is more to  the story than I'm letting on but shrugged it off.  To say she was angry is an understatement.  She's literally  boiling with anger and it was not a pleasant sight to see.

After calming me down and my cries have turned to sniffs she dialled Umma's number with a murderous look on her face.  I have never  seen her that angry. She looked so pissed you won't dare cross her path.

" I never knew you're this heartless Binta.  She's just a child for petes sake.  A child you carried  in your  womb for nine months and went through  the pain of labour. She is an amanah to you !  A gift I always pray to have yet here you're maltreating  her and taking her for granted. Do you have a heart in your chest Binta?  So all these while  I've been singing  praises of how good you're not knowing that you're a demon and a lot of people are better than you. Shame on you and shame on your heart. Shame on you Binta!!! " Aunty Hadiza bellowed  angrily. Not even taking a breather. She was heaving while  listening  to whatever Umma  was telling her.

" Daman bazan gane ba ( I will never understand)  you have no reason to treat her this way. If you don't want her I do  and if you can't  take care of her I will. Tasneem is a precious child with good manners and upbringing. You've failed as a mother to her woe unto you Binta!  I fear a day that will come when you'll regret  your  actions because  it will haunt your days and nights. You better do what's right. Shima Yaya marwan din yanada laifi (even  bro Marman is at fault) " now she's panting and the scene made my heart swell with so much love for Aunty  Hadiza  who stood up for me more than anyone, even Abba never sounded this angry  when talking  to Umma about  the way she's treating me. I wish aunty  Hadiza is my mother.

Turning to face me. Aunty Hadiza  tenderly held my hands in hers saying sweet soothing  words. Telling me that I should be strong and have faith. That my mother loves me no matter how bad she treats me. That everything is going to be okay and she will never punish or neglect me like this again and I wanted to believe everything  she says.

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