Chapter Thirty Three

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Ummi woke me up few minutes shy away from Zuhr.

"Are you feeling better? Can you talk?" I gave her a blank look before unplugging my phone from the socket sending her a message Umma was here yesterday, she wanted to  take me with her .

"Inna Lillahi wa Inna ilaihi rajiun!! Take you kuma? To where?" She sounded alarmed.

To hide me away from my dad, she said he's coming for me, he will take me away from you.

She looked like she's going to cry before sitting on the edge of my bed. She opened her arms wide for me to hug her and I did.

"Allah is with you always, He knows  what you're going through and He will never let anything bad happen to you" she consoled, gently patting my back.

I just nodded as she left to bring me my brunch to bed. I brushed my teeth, took a bathe then performed ablution for zuhr salah.

"Mukarram is here to see you, do you want to meet him?" Ummi raised a brow in question.

I honestly wanted to say no, but it's not fair to him because he's just looking out for me so I nodded yes before opening my wardrobe to find something to wear. I ended up wearing a black Abayah to compliment my mood.

I left the food untouched so as not to leave him waiting for long.

He smiled at me the moment I came into his line of vision and I smiled back.

"Kai Koh kunyan surukan ka bakayi Koh Mukarram? ( You're not even shy in the presence of your in laws huh?)"Ummi teased as she dropped a tray of edibles and drink in front of him.

He just scratched his head in shame smiling coyly like a newly wedded bride.

"See you! Feel at home okay?" She waved us off, laughing evilly before disappearing into the kitchen.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked.

Much better AlhamdulilLah. You shouldn't have come really, I'll be fine.

I sent him a text .

"You still can't talk? Why don't we go to the hospital? I do that but out of will"

It happens a lot, I'll be fine. Besides there's nothing they can do about it except spew some medical jargons about depression and what not. God knows I'm not depressed, sad? Yes but depression ? Never in Shaa Allah.

He chuckled after reading that.  "Even if you're depressed, it's not a bad thing, you're going through so much right from such a very young age. Why don't you go to the hospital and accept the little help they can offer?"

The first time it happened, they said it's PTSD and I'm sure they're going to say the same thing again.

I pouted, begging him with my eyes to let the issue go. I don't know how it happens but whenever I'm with him am a different version of myself. Just imagine? I even batted my eye for extra effect. Blame it on the books I read.

"Okay, may Allah grant you shifaa. Talk soon okay? I miss your sweet voice that calms my nerves"

Before I could type a reply, Ummi cleared her throat from wherever the hell she was hiding.

"Don't corrupt my girl Mukky, else I'll say no" I groaned inwardly while he looked unfazed. He really have no iota of shame in him.

"I managed to sneak out of office to check up on you and I'm glad you look well rested. Don't take anything to heart okay? Everything is going to be alright in Shaa Allah" he said getting up from the couch.

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