Chapter Thirty Seven

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Two days after coming home, Addah Nabeela visited us with lots of gifts. We talked about everything and nothing till there's nothing to talk about and I've never been happy reliving secondary school days as I did that day.

Addah Nabeela suggested that we should go for shopping to which we eagerly said yes. The yes I wished I never utter.  We spoilt ourselves in the mall buying even things that we don't need when I spotted a cute bowl that I want to buy.

"Please go ahead, I'll be with you guys in a jiffy " I told them walking towards the stall where the bowls have been stacked in different cute colours.

"Don't keep us waiting Softy! " Maryam called out to my retreating figure.

I decided to pick out two different colors for myself,  Adda Nabeela and Maryam not minding the fact that they are going to tease me to their fill about marriage and love.

A shadow hovered over me and before I could utter the question on the tip of my tongue or ask the man to move away from my personal space he tugged at my hijab with force.

"Follow me quietly or else I'll harm your friends" he ordered coolly . To any passer by it will look like we are having a normal conversation raising no suspicion at all.

"Who are you? " my lips are trembling, heck every part of my body is shaking.

"You'll soon find out but just follow me! "  I have this weird notion that bad things always happen to me when I forget to say the daily azhkars and today is that kind of day. I quickly recited the duas in my head as I followed the man behind through the back door.  Bowls forgotten hoping that Maryam and Adda Nabeela will soon come looking for me and raise an alarm which if not too late will save my life.

We halted in front of an SUV. He wordlessly opened the door for me to enter and I did just that with prayers on my lips. I didn't cry nor show any sign that I'm scared except for my body which is shaking nonstop. I know that I haven't done anything to anyone to warrant my kidnap except my so called father whom Umma warned me about.

The bulky pot bellied guy dialed a number "yes boss!  We are on our way now.  She's not crying."  I tuned him out knowing that I am right.

We drive for almost thirty minutes before the car came to a stop in front of a huge towering mansion, the kind I've never seen before in the middle of nowhere. An idea came to me just then but I can't use my phone when his eyes are on me right?  I took style and switched it off altogether because my phone is always on silence.  I pretended to be crying and I hid my bag inside my skirt thankfully it's a small side bag that can't show inside my hijab.

The huge gates swung open and we drove in. He motioned for me to alight and I did.

"Welcome home my darling " a husky voice said.  I didn't notice the man walking towards us until he spoke again " I've been dying to meet you since the day I come to know about you "

Yah Allah please not this devilish looking man. Let it be anyone but him please.

I gave him a once over my fear increasing tenfold. I should have known that a good man will not kidnap his own daughter even if he feared that she might not accept him.  A good man will meet her at wherever she's staying,  talk to her,  understand her and beg her to be with him. Islamically we have no right over each other since a child born out of wedlock belongs to the mother.

"Don't be scared sweety.  I won't hurt you if you  do exactly as I tell you to" he slurred giving me a toothy smile.

He is a monster and a drunkard.

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