Chapter Nineteen

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Have you ever been in a situation Where you almost try to make a bargain with  God? From a fun filled happy day it turned to chaotic in a matter of seconds.  I gave out a gut wrenching  shriek that called the attention  of everyone around us.  Abba was the first to reach where  I was holding Tasneem vigorously  shaking  her, willing her to just wake up and not die on me.

Abba balanced her on his shoulders and headed for his car  but Aunty  Hadiza  stopped him in time,  saying that we should at least sprinkle water on her to revive her before heading  to the hospital.

Abba did as he was told and she came back to life squinting  her eyes with a pained expression, she clutched her head and winced.

"What happened? " she croaked.  looking at us like aliens coming straight from an unknown planet.

"Nothing serious Mamana.  You are going to be fine.  Just take a deep breath and don't  think of anything  negative." Abba consoled his voice  shaking.

"Aunty Hadiza can we please go home? " She requested  with a pleading voice.

"Of course  my dear"

Turning to us Aunty Hadiza apologized for any inconvenience Tasneem's sudden state of sickness might have caused before leading their entourage to the car.

"I don't  think we have any other business here too.  Let's  just follow them " Mamma said getting up from her sitting  position on the spread out carpet.  I've never been so happy to hear someone say something.

"My thoughts exactly " Maryam  who has been rendered speechless piped up holding out her hands for her mom to take.

"Yah Rabbi  grant her health" Nana muttered adjusting her bag before we all head towards where we parked.

Tasneem is with uncle Farouk and Aunty Hadiza while Abba, Adeel and Zaheera are in a separate car.  They were driving beyond speed limit and we followed suit till we reached town. They headed straight  to the hospital and after seeing the Dr  we were told that she has been admitted for further observation.

" I don't  think we will be allowed  to see her today. Let's  go home man" Ahmad  suggested giving  me a pitiful look.

"No, I can't.  I am not leaving this place until I'm sure  she's okay" I protested.

"Look,  I know how you feel.  Maryam is throwing  the same tantrum as you right now but come to think of it, are you going to make her better by sitting here worrying about  her?  Is that what she'll  want you to do while she's there fighting for her life?  Why don't you go home, rest and pray for her." I have no choice than to agree with  him knowing that I won't  be able to get a wink of sleep.

Mamma keeps lamenting over Tasneem's plight while  Maryam told us about  how happy she was earlier,  how she easily agree to let her do her makeup and even hugged her.

Yah  Allah grant her quick shifaa.

"She used to faint over a massive killer headache when we were in Ss1 but not  anymore.  She hardly complains  of it but now this?  I fear for what is to come " Maryam added wiping a stray tear.

"She is going to be fine in shaa Allah.  All she needs is our prayers" Mamma said bringing an end to the conversation.

I spend  half of the night in sujood praying  for  her till  I finally give in to nature's  call and sleep on the mat waking up after the second  call for prayer.  I was at the hospital  as early as 7am looking red-eyed and sleep deprived.

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