Chapter Twenty Eight

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I couldn't wait to get home before munching on the yummy finger licking cup cakes. They are by far the best I ever had.

"Do you need help with your ears?  It seems they'll soon fall to the ground " Ahmad brought me out of the dream like haze I went into.

"Yah Rahman!  Allow me this once to relish this peace will you? " I joined my hands in a manner showing desperation.

"I will if you let me take a bite " he grumbled and I split one into two halves and gave him one.

Chuckling at the absurdity of it all he says " I'll share mine with you dude. You don't have to be so stingy about it".

"And you don't have to be a beggar Since you have yours safely tucked away in the back seat " I countered.

Turning his serious face on he asked " are you going to tell her everything? "

I shook my head no" not yet Ahmad. Until whatever this is becomes serious and official then I'll have no choice than to tell her every single detail of the mess that is my life. She's young and innocent and I don't want to be the one to taint that"

"You have a point.  I can't believe they let your step mom go free,  there's no statute of limitation for murder no matter how long it takes "

Shaking my head in a duhh-like manner I said " Allah is the ultimate and best judge.  If she escapes the law in this dunyah she can't escape death neither can she escape judgement day. I'm just scared for daddy, what if she tries to kill him too? "

"He is in Allah's protection by His will.  Let's take one day at a time in shaa Allah everything   will be back to normal"  he consoled.

After the little reunion with my grandparents we went to kano the next day with daddy and I met my maternal grandmother.  The moment she sets eyes on me she invoke Allah's name thanking him because she saw the split imagine of her dead daughter. We talked at length about everything.  We decided on handing Furera over to the police instead of taking matters into our own hands. Mamma and sheikh were so happy that I'm part of their family hence the reason why there will be a family gathering this weekend at Mamma's.

She asked me to move into her house to which I gladly obliged but waiting for my lease to be up before I do that.  Ahmad and I spend most nights at Mamma's and it feels good to be part of them not only as a friend but family.

Ahmad dropped me off at sheikh's saying that he has an important business to attend to, that means he has a movie he want to watch. After classes sheikh told me how happy he is to know that am his grandson.

I hailed a cab and went to my house after informing Ahmad that I'll be staying the night there.  I did my normal night routine before checking my phone to see a message from Tasneem saying thank you for the visit, hope you get there safely.

I replied : In one piece Alhamdulillah, the cupcakes made me forget my name for a moment there.  I'll definitely make an order for more soon. Peach looks good on you.

She replied with don't flatter me Uncle Mukarram.

I'm just saying the truth.  By the way I missed you all those weeks, like so much.

I almost gave up waiting for her reply when it came : I know. I do too.  Have a good night may Allah be with you.

Woah!  You just make me the happiest being right now.  Good night Tasneem, may Allah be with you too.

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