Chapter Sixteen

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Two years later...


It has been two whole Years since that horrible incident. A lot has happened, a lot more than you can ever imagine. I've become the ice Queen of FGGC Bakori with no human feelings or regard for anyone. Deep inside,  it hurts and breaks me to be a bitch but on the outside I always have this satisfactory smile whenever I did something evil and untoward. I sneak out of school for the fun of it. Bully girls for the sweet satisfaction that always zings through me, and disrespect people in other to let off some steam.

After that horrible day that changed me forever . I've become a force to reckon with.  I listen to no one and do as exactly as I deem fit.  Aunty Hadiza will cry late at night damning my mother for being the cause of everything.

There is an incident that stuck to my head because it was the first time in my life that I've let the animal who happens to be my mother get a taste of her own vile medicine. It was last year,  when my grandfather died at his funeral. Aunty Hadiza and I went to pay our respect and I saw the wretched woman in tears. Holding unto her two precious daughters, one whom were conceived in the halaal way unlike me a bastard child.

"Tasneem come here, how are you?" She called out to me and I pretended not to hear her. Aunty Hadiza pinched me on my lap but I continue chewing my gum making a disrespectful sound.

"Tasneem don't do this please. It's your grandfather's funeral show some respect." Aunty Hadiza whispered in a pleading manner.

I gave out a harsh laugh, shaking my head I point a finger at Zaheera's mother, Binta because she doesn't deserve to be called Umma by me.


"Heheheh,  I would have respect him if not because he brought into the world someone like that woman who is so evil and her whole life is a lie "

A surprise gasp came from every corner of the room but I didn't care. Actually it fueled up my anger.

"Aunty Hadiza please don't try to stop me because disrespecting you is the last thing on my mind right now. You ask how I am right ? Then here's your answer;

I am very, very fine and doing well that I've turned off my emotions. I'm actually spiffing,  and maybe high on some drugs. I dream of you every night and you know what I see in those dreams? I always see myself stabbing you over and over again till you die a painful death. I always incur  Allah's wrath upon you whenever I bow down in sujood because you deserve to rot in hell for what you did to me. I always wish that you're not the vile human that gave birth to me, and I always pray that one day, your perfect facade will be unveiled and everyone will see you as the rotten human that you're. I'm actually very sad that grandpa is gone and can't see the real you. It'd have break his heart right ? To know that his perfect daughter, one whom he sings praises of every waking day of his life is a fraud,  a fornicator and child molester"

Aunty Hadiza dragged me out of the house the moment I clamped my mouth shut. People were looking at me with mouth agape, while some are clapping their hands in surprise unable to wrap their heads around the fact that a fifteen-year old is saying all those horrible things to her mother, but I give no care. She gets what she deserves and that was just the beginning.

"I will never tolerate something like the  stunt you just pulled Tasneem" Aunty Hadiza angrily  bellowed.

"It is not like you like her right? Allow me to say whatever I want to say to her. Why did she pretend to care about me when for the whole time I've been away from home she never for once call or come to check on me. She didn't even allow her legitimate children to see me. Why will I respect her after putting the blame of her mistake on me. Tell me why ??" I wailed trying so hard to keep my tears at bay but failed.

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