Chapter Five

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Ignore the errors please.


Since I was not given a  work potion yet.  I woke up by subh.  After saying my azhkars I fetched my bathing water from the tap. Laid out my uniform on my bunk and proceeded to the bathroom to take  my bath. I was done before 6:30am giving me ample time to go through  the copied notes.

It was ten minutes  to seven when I opened my locker  and took out the edibles I'll eat during breakfast. Remembering Maryam's kindness to me,  I took everything  that will be enough for two people. Before taking  my bag and  heading to the refectory.

I heard my name  being shouted by none  other than Maryam when I was half way to the ref. I stopped walking waiting for her to catch up. She was panting  when she reached me and before I could say 'hi' she hit me  on my shoulders.

" Why didn't  you wait  for me or come to my dorm? " she asked with anger evident in her  voice. How was I to tell her that I didn't  know it was the right thing to do because  when it comes to relationships  I am a total dumbo?  How can I tell her that I feel uneasy around people like a burden so I try  to keep my circle small?

Seeing that she is not getting an answer anytime soon. Maryam huffed out in annoyance before  forcefully  holding my hands again muttering something about my silence  not being  cute  at all and something along the line of  unlocking the padlock  that's preventing me from saying anything.

I felt bad about it. I cannot live with the fact that I made the only person that made an attempt to befriend  me angry.  She borrowed me her notes, rant off my ears even though I didn't say anything to her, gave me a delicious dessert before going to bed so I did the most rational thing my heart told me to do.  I apologized.

" I am really sorry Maryam. I am new to all these so I didn't know how to act " I said fidgeting with my hands. She squealed  almost damaging my ear drums. Like why is she hyper because I apologized. Maybe  she is bipolar.

" It's  okay Tasneem. Just don't  dare do that again. Not not  even in your dreams. "

" yes ma'am.  I will not dare dream about doing that ever again your royal Highness " I found myself making a joke Maryam giving me a surprised look like I've  suddenly sprouted horns.

" You even have some sense of humor !  Girl I'm  impressed.  You've  given  me the easiest  way to make you talk. I'll just get angry at you so that you'll start blabbering,  I  will even give you a condition before accepting your  apology " she teased further.

" That will also be in your dreams " I teased back surprising myself at how easily Maryam makes me talk without my intention.

After breakfast we went directly to the assembly ground before moving to our various classes for the day's lessons.  I walked into  the class with a smile receiving  weird looks as always before heading to my seat.

"Assalamu alaikum" I greeted  my seat mate whose name I've forgotten. We also have a history which makes her hate me with every fiber of her being.  Last term she asked whether I'm interested  in joining her and her friends for lunch everyday and I politely declined. She didn't  take it lightly hence giving me a cold shoulder. I never thought she will answer my greetings back but she did taking me slightly by surprise.

" Wa'alaikissalam.   I heard that you've been sick. Hope you're  fine now? " holy freaking Molly she even smiled at me. I just  nodded before looking for a broom from the corner of the class to clear out my locker.

I found it clean  like  someone  has dusted it for me to  which I am very grateful.

" Thank you for cleaning  my locker " I said turning to look at her scrutinizing eyes.

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