Chapter Twelve

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I feel at ease with him, for reasons unknown to me. He seems like the type that keep to themselves most of the time. It was nice meeting him for the first and last time.

" What was that all about? " Maryam asked for the umpteenth time. She has been around my neck right from the moment their car sped off.

"We talked that's it" I gave  the same reply I've been giving her ever since.

" I know that you talked, but what did you talk about ?" She pushed.

" Yah Allah ! Maryam please allow me to breath. He asked what my dreams are, and how it is for me growing up. If it makes you sleep in peace "

" I feel like you're omitting something here, my sweet friend"

" I am not" I shoved her out of my way because she has been standing like a pole in front of my corner.

" I swear to God I'm not letting you off easily, you better save our time and tell me" She insisted following me to her dorm.

I am starting to get annoyed with her. Why can't she just  let me be? Mukarram or whatever his name is is a gone case. It was nice talking to someone who has an idea of what I'm really going through, he's 11years older than me and way out of my league, and I'm too young for my thoughts to even wander into that territory.

"Adda Nabeela please tell maryam to cut me some slack, Allah kaina yafara ciwo because of her adamancy " I grumbled dropping a  polythene bag I brought from my corner.

"Maryam what the jahannam is wrong with you ? " Adda Nabeela asked visibly annoyed. Maryam grinned goofily and held me by the shoulder.

" I'm just looking out for you my dearest,  Seeing that you're in a good mood and healthy today, I just want to get on your nerves because I've missed doing that. I know what you guys discussed, because uncle A told me and it's okay if you  can't share. Now give me a megawatt smile abeg " she pinched my cheeks and I had to smile .

That's Maryam for you. A girl with so much love and warmth,  a giver and a good listener,  I love her too much to even consider her flaws as flaws, because I have mine and she over looks them too.

There is this senior that always gives me looks that creeps me out,  She will stare long and hard without wavering a bit, and whenever our eyes meet,  she will just smile at me and unabashedly keep looking at me like am some sort of a rare exhibit. Today is no exception and I've never mentioned it to anyone, and by anyone I mean Maryam or Adda Nabeela.

"That senior we just passed by the pavement is weird, She keeps looking at me like she's going to devour me at the first chance she gets" I complained. Adjusting the strap of my backpack.

" I noticed too. Just don't want to say anything knowing that you'll just shrug it off. Koh mayya ce in shaa Allah she won't harm us."

" I hope she's not evil. Just the kind that don't know how to stare without getting creepy " I mumbled.

Since visiting day I've been calling Abba to enquire after his health,  and he's getting much better. He promised to come and see me when he feels well enough to travel.

" I can't believe we only have two weeks to exams" Maryam lamented. We are sitting on the floor in my corner, going through some maths problem. Maryam can solve a thousand problems without a hitch, but she never give herself credit for that. She will be like Tasneem you know maths more than me, and we will argue  about it for hours even though it's mostly one sided argument. I hardly talk when she's in her argumentative mood because I'll never win over her.

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