Chapter Thirty Two

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Watching young dreams on ZeeWorld  with a bowl of popcorn on my lap, occasionally chatting with Na'ima on WhatsApp, it feels like there is nothing bothering me in my life but deep inside I'm in a dilemma as to what to do about Uncle Mukarram. It has been a week since my birthday and Maryam has been acting strange and a bit off, she isn't even excited about our admission saying that she prefer to be in Abuja because she made some new friends over there.

I was surprised because she tells me everything but she never mention them. I shrugged it off thinking that she doesn't want me to get jealous.

Naims: Your girl is posting pictures upandan with her new posh friends. You should talk to her about their mode of dressing though, it's too immodest.

Me: SubhanalLah, I didn't know.btw where did you see the pictures?

Naims: they are all over her IG account, I thought she must have sent them to you privately. Sorry I snitched.

Me: nope she didn't but I'll ask her about it in Shaa Allah . Regards to umma and the cutie in your house.

Naims: Gerrarahia girl, always calling that ugly boy a cutie when I'm way finer than him.

Me: you wish! You're the ugliest in your whole family. Come and beat me if you can.

Naims: I love the witty, naughty side of you when you're not after my life. If only you know the number of guys parading in front our house just to take a glimpse of my beautiful face.

Me: Kai Zubaida!!! Take some rest Kay? You must be exhausted after putting too much energy into this huge lie of the century.

Naims: Yah Rabbi!! Go and bake something,you can put your hyper energy into something good.

Me: alright bye girl, you're boring me already. Ta ta.

I ponder over what Naima told me connecting the dots my myself. What is happening to Maryam? Why is she posting her pictures on IG instead of WhatsApp after knowing that I am not on Instagram.

I dialed her number in haste before I change my mind or go crazy with wild thoughts. I have changed too but not much because I hardly speak to my class mates in islamiyya and there are still days that I go mute.

"Hey Tasneem" she tiredly answered the call sounding a bit off.

"Hi Maryama, Yau kuma Tasneem kike kirana? What happened to most helpful favorite nickname?" I joked while she snorted.

"I am not in the mood girl, what do you want? Any new sappy story you wanna share? Because your life is like an unending roller coaster. Who hurts you again princess?" She sneered and I almost slide own on my knees because of how shocked I was.

"Please stop playing cheap tricks with me, pass the phone to Maryam Nasir"

"You're speaking to her Mademoiselle! Do you think you can just dictate my life anyhow you want not facing the consequences? How could you Tasneem? After all the love and support I've showed you, you ended up betraying me because of your selfish interest? I didn't want to go to school abroad, you encouraged me to bargain for a private University and now you made them send us off to that cheap trashy University in Katsina" she babbled harshly.

A single tear rolled down my cheeks, I was beyond shocked to form any coherent sentence so I told her that I'm sorry and cut the call. I ran to my room having an internal battle with myself, saying she's not worth my tears, reminding myself that I am done crying over anything in my life.

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