Chapter Twenty Seven

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The following weeks were boring and uneventful. I haven't spoken to Uncle Mukarram since my first night at Aunty Hadiza's and I'm okay with that. Not that I don't want to speak to him or anything,  it's just so awkward with him and I don't trust myself not to make a slip off that'll scar me for life.

Maryam is getting along with her parents Alhamdulillah.  Though she say she miss us every waking day of her life.  We visited Mamma twice and had lots of fun and delish meals.  The first time was to take my first cake to her for blessing and the second time was just to fulfill my promise of filling the void Maryam left behind.

I've enrolled in  islamiyyah school and I have a developing baking business which is thriving mashaa Allah.  I mostly make delivery but do home service once in a while with Aunty Hadiza and Uncle Farouk's blessings of course. Everything is finally getting better and I hardly think of my mom. Adeel and Zaheera use to contact me using Abba's phone and they visit during weekends.

It was a Saturday morning and I just came back from islamiyyah complaining of a massive headache when Aunty Hadiza smiled saying that she's craving chocolate cupcakes and coconut drink.

Whining with a pout I said "okay,  I'll make them for you I promise,  just let me sleep this killer headache off "

"Nope!  You have to be brave and make them after you take panadol" she says with a tone broaching no further argument.

"Why do you hate me so much?  Besides you make better cupcakes than I do " I cried out muffling my cries  with a pillow.

"I'm training you TasTas.  You cannot not cook just because you're having a headache in your husband's house can you? " she shouted from the corridor.

I ignored her and curled up in bed to get some sleep after locking my door with key.

I woke after zuhr prayer feeling refreshed. After taking a shower and saying my prayer,  I went out to make the chocolate cupcakes and to make another birthday cake scheduled for delivery tonight.  It is a simple heart shaped one that's why I am making it late.

"You locked me out didn't you? " she asked hands akimbo.

"I have no choice " I whined giving her a puppy face.  I still don't talk much even though it's hard not to when you have talkative people around you all day.

"I forgive you" she said in a small voice.

We worked in companionable silence only throwing words here and there.  Aunty Hadiza Is busy making fried rice with pepper chicken and I didn't bother to ask who she's making it for because it's too much for three mouths.

"Wear nice clothes after you are done" she said and I gave her a questioning look.

"Do as you're told miss baker " she added ruffling my hair.

"Aunty Hadiza why???  Please tell me.  Is it Abba that is coming over with my siblings? " I sound  excited because I want to have them around. The cupcakes are already in the oven, am now making the birthday cake.

"It's for me to know and for you to find out " she replied sashaying out of the kitchen.


After maghrib salah the mysterious guests arrived.  I stayed in my room waiting for Aunty Hadiza to summon me to meet them. Agonizing minutes later, she calls me so loud I cringed but hurried out of the room in my long hijab.

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