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Driving through the city of Kaduna after work every Friday has become a normal routine for Tasneem Marwan.  Sometimes with her husband,  a daughter in her teens and her toddler who love those drives and react to the news of having them with glee and enthusiasm.  The scenery and people still look odd to him making him curious.

His ringtone broke her out of reverie and she parked to answer his call.  His warning echoing in her ears" Never answer a call while driving sweetness,  if you must then park and finish your business before you proceed"  she smiled picturing his serious mood when telling her that which warms her heart and made her love him more.

"Assalamu Alaikum Abu Amatullah" she greeted cheerily.

With a deep sigh of relief like he haven't  heard her voice in like forever, he replied her greetings with the same voice laced with love and adoration and of course years of friendship. More than being husband and wife,  they are each other's best friend and confidante " a woman is here to see you.  Let me rephrase,  a stubborn old woman is here to see you and nothing will make her budge out of the house unless you listen to her.  Ahmad threatened to call the police but she didn't give a hoot about that either.  I'm really sorry babes,  you have to come home because I miss you "  he pouted as if she can see him ignoring the daggers sent his way by Ahmad.

"You said someone is here to see her then changed it to you miss her. I guess you're really mad" He scoffed and Mukarram playfully stuck his tongue out.

"Okay Zawj!  I'm on my way" she said and hung up. Praying in her heart that the woman isn't there to harm her.  Even though she is now totally fine and free from her mental issues,  she usually get paranoid over nothing of concern.

A year after their arrival in Madinah,  everything fell in place for them and she feels like she is living a life of another happy person.  She finally found what she is craving for in a blessed land with an  angel in form of her beloved husband. 

She enrolled into the university to study sociology for Maryam's sake and he for masters in  civil engineering. They learned Arabic and were each other's support system for seven years before they came back for Maryam and Ahmad's wedding.  Everyone was happy to see them happy and with a child as a surprise. Maryam had been hurt about it but easily let it slide since she's getting married to the love of her life.  The news of Amatullah's conception filled them with fear that they are not going to care enough for the child tamping down their excitement of having a baby but after consulting Tasneem's therapist everything fell into place and they finally get the assurance that in shaa Allah,  their child will get a normal life with love of two loving parents.

Mukarram always surprise Tasneem as to how he immensely take  care of Amatu.  He learnt how to change diaper without being taught and he will wake up at night to pacify the child and feed her in other for Tasneem to get rest. He babysits the girl when he's free and she have lectures.  They had arguments but never go a day without solving their issue.

"You're my family and my honor,  you're my love and the mother of my child, I can't stay mad at you for long.  please let go of your anger, come into my arms then everything will be okay. I am sorry" though it is always the same line,  he always weakens her resolve and heart with those words and she always run into his arms with an apology on the tip of her tongue.

She drove into the big mansion they share with Ahmad and his family with a wild beating heart anticipating doom.

"Ummi! " Amatullah who was playing with Ahmad's daughter Humaidah and Marwan called out her mother's name from the small playground in the house.

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