Chapter Thirty Nine

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Aishatu Nasir Balan Malam(Tasneem's protector and die hard)  this chapter is for you!!  I hope you're not so mad at me 😂


The voices keep thinning and it reached a point where I can't hear them anymore. Whenever I'm lucky to hear them,  it's always sans Maryam's panicked voice.

"Good morning TasTas!  Please wake up already okay?  Mukarram is getting married tomorrow if you don't " Ummi said.  pathetically trying so hard to make me wake up and now she have resorted to using cheap prank that don't matter to whatever is stopping me from waking up.

She then switched on the digital Quran to Suratul Rahman and Waqi'ah putting them on repeat like she does every morning. 

"It's been four months Habibi!  What if she's gone forever? " she's now sobbing,  I didn't know that she's with Abbi too.

Four months is a long time for my wounds to heal and a very long time for whatever is stopping me from waking up to leave me be.

I listened to the melodious voice of Ghamdi till I floated to nothingness again only to wake up to a pitch black room gasping for air. I screamed out loud for help but my voice echoed  through the walls indicating am the only person in that scary room.

"Help me please " I pleaded, tears streaming down my face.

"No help will come sweetheart!  You are just pathetic darling" my father's voice answered making my whole body to shake in fear.  Biggy yanked me from behind and keep thrashing me while I keep shouting for help begging them to spare my life.

"I will never betray you again!  Just let me live, I  beg you!!" I keep saying those words helplessly  while he never cease to thrash me. My father's laughter echoing throughout that pitch black room. Just like in slo-mo movies,  every memory of my abduction came back to me,  all the pain,  the reeking dead bodies,  my mother's true color, the revelation that I am not a bastard,  the near death experience, my vision of seeing Abba, Uncle Mukarram and Uncle A with some men in black uniform.  Everything seems like it was in a horror movie but I know better, It is real and it happened to me.  I gave out a guttural cry  to ease the throbbing of my heart before falling back into  unconsciousness.

I woke up to the beeping sounds that threatened to damage my eardrum. I was gasping for breath and still thrashing due to the aftermath of my nightmare.

"Help me" I weakly called out not opening my eyes for fear of being engulfed by darkness.

"Shhh you're safe now. Keep calm and open your eyes after the count of three " a gentle voice instructed kindly.

I listened as he instructed me to breath in and out gently until my breathing becomes rhythmic and he counted one to three after which I slowly opened my eyes only to shut them back because of the blinding light.

"The light is gone,  you can now open your eyes " he gently stated and I did, only a small fraction.  It's not as dark as before then I opened them wide, muttering the prayer for waking up.  I didn't know whether it's  a dream or reality at that point.  My whole body feel stiff and my head feels heavy,   like mount Kilimanjaro had been dumped on it. 

"Do you feel any unbearable pain? " the kind voice asked and I nodded. He checked my vitals and what not after which he asked me to lie back down and rest.

"Where is this place?  Where is Ummi and everyone? " I weakly asked, not wanting to go back to my nightmare.

"You're at the hospital.  Your Ummi and everyone is waiting outside praying for your well being. Just sleep off the headache and fatigue you'll be fine in shaa Allah " 

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