Chapter Twenty Five

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Flash back continues...

Abdulhamid haven't seen nor heard from Amatullah since that day. It was like she was a mirage, something he has been fantasizing for a long while and nothing more. He wrote his final exams like a zombie before finally packing up to go home where his fate in form of Furera awaits.

What he saw as he stepped into his father's house that day shocked him to the core ; Furera sitting on a mat in his father's compound plaiting his mother's hair. Masking his emotions he said " Mama are you bonding with my wife to be? "

His mother laughed happily like a teenager drunk in love before replying that he has already been married to Furera for two weeks. Adding " your house is not ready that's why we decided that she'll stay for the meantime. Furera leave my hair go and welcome your husband properly" she then dust her wrapper and went into her room.

What happened next is what Abdulhamid had never seen even in movies that time. Furera dropped the cutting comb on the ground and straddled him in sheer delight tugging him to take them to his room.

Amatullah is not the ideal wife for me and this woman is? What are my parents thinking to get me engaged and married just like that to this shameless girl? He bitterly thought.

The moment they reached his room he pushed her away from him giving her a stern glare.

"Don't you dare put your filthy hands on me ever again okay? How exactly shameless are you to do that on what's supposed to be our first time together as man and wife? And that too in my father's compound!! " he said in a manner showing how hard it is for him to rein in his anger.

"You'll get wrinkles if you keep getting angry easily. I see no wrong in what I've done. As your bride, your one and only wife for the rest of your life, I think I have every right to show you love. Your parents house not exempted" she said in a seducing manner. Seeing that he can't think clearly with this evil woman in his room which was once his safe haven he stormed out of the house.

He grieved for his parent's greed because he now understand why they insist he marry Furera, to expand their business and nothing more. His feelings, his preferences doesn't matter to them because just like their business he is a deal they must seal by hook or by crook. He wondered how Amatullah is, has she gotten another suitor or she's still nursing the heart he broke? No! He can't wait a whole year to pursue her even though she made it clear that she don't want to marry him. In shaa Allah he will make her his wife because the excuse of a woman in his house is not a wife but a whore and he'll be damned if he spends the rest of his life with a woman like Furera.

He later realized that Furera had bagged a degree in business administration abroad and she's three years older than him. Could his life get any worse? He went to serve the nation after which he came back to find a well furnished house courtesy of Furera 's father and a job waiting for him to start immediately. He went to kano to meet Amatullah but he got the most heart breaking news of his whole life.

"She is forced to marry her cousin from her father's side Abdulhamid " her mother had said.

"All her life, Amatullah wanted to be accepted by her father and his family who slandered that I'm a loose woman and she's not her father's daughter but conceived as a result of my loose ways. That's why he divorced me and only come to accept her after she became a teenager.

Amatullah fought bravely for her right but I advised her to agree to the union. God knows am tired of letting them get away with everything but this life is unfair and we are unlucky to be at the receiving end " she sadly mused playing with the hem of her hijab.

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