Chapter Thirty One

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I probably shouldn't have said two weeks because Farido and D are all over me to update the moment I set foot in Kebbi. I will never get rest because of those two rats in human form😏

Btw check out memoirs of Maryam:silent screams by one helluva of a talented writer then thank and bless me later 😎


Ahmad did all he could in his power to make me calm down and talk to him but I just couldn't shake up the feeling that everything has gone down the drain.

"Haba Mukky! Let it go already man, it has been a week and Mamma is worried about us" he said handing me a file we were asked to work on.

"Ahmad it's fine, am okay, we are good. I just can't look you in the eye or talk to you without those horrible words you said about Tasneem resonating in my ears. She deserves your sympathy not hatred. You call her a nobody when hours before you know about her background you've said nothing but sing praises of her.

What happened to the optimistic good  Muslim I believe in qadr side of you? What happen to the person who is always telling me that Allah is a merciful Lord. Do you really think that Allah will have mercy on us if we don't have mercy on others?"

He sighed exasperatedly like he has had enough " I said I am sorry alright? It has a momentary lapse of judgement from my side and it was just so overwhelming to know something like that about a beautiful soul like Tasneem. I shouldn't have called her a nobody but I am still not okay with you marrying her" he grumbled.

"I don't need your blessings father. Now if you will excuse me" I shoo  him away with my hands .

From that day onwards we pretend to be fine when Mamma is around but go about our business when she's out of earshot.

Daddy keeps calling and I keep rejecting his call likewise Tasneem keeps making mine go straight to voice mail and messages probably deleted.

Mamma called me from office telling me to come home. I hurriedly  pack everything and drive home.

I wasn't expecting to see daddy's car welcoming me the moment I drove in.

"Assalamu alaikum" I greeted the three Stone hard faces staring at me.

"Wa'alaikassalam your royal highness" Daddy answered my greetings, glaring at me.

I pretend not to hear him as I squat down to greet him. He answered sounding as if he has been forced to answer. I guess some habits die hard, the man I sat across is no longer the sweet  am ready to do anything to make up for my mistakes,  but an arrogant man who wants everything to go according to his whims.

"Mukarram what's going on in this house for weeks that I wasn't aware of? I know that you had a squabble with Ahmad which has been long resolved" Mamma asked.

"Nothing serious Mamma." I muttered forcefully .

"He will never say anything because he's in the wrong ai, he has disrespected me and refused to pick my calls." Daddy gritted out. I smiled painfully shaking my head, wondering why he'd even come all the way to kaduna if he truly feel disrespected.

"I'm sorry. In Shaa Allah I will be calling and picking your calls henceforth. Mamma I have some important work that I have to take care of today can I go?"

"No Mukky, you can't go unless you tell me what is going on? I want to listen to your own side of the story first" she calmly stated.

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