Chapter Ten

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For Chingu Y, without whom you won't have received a notification for this chapter.


My head feels heavy and it aches so much I want to wrench it off of me . I can hear faint voices calling out to me urging me to wake up and asking if am okay and can hear them but for the life of me I couldn't open my mouth to speak or shake my head to show them that I can hear them.

The pain is excruciatingly increasing to the point that I start to say the kalima thinking this is it I am dying in front of my class. I blacked out again only to open my eyes in an unfamiliar more comfortable position than the floor. After getting my bearings back, I realised that I am on one of the beds in the sick bay.

I muttered some dua's before trying to slouch from my lying position. My head still hurts but not as intense as before.

" Don't move " the nurse commanded with her not so nice husky authoritative voice. Sometimes I think that they have been forced to work in the sick bay, if not what's up with all the hostility to poor sick students. It is not like we deliberately get sick to burden them.

I didn't say anything but stop making an attempt to get up, since she might shout at me or hit me for not listening to her.

"Do you usually have an intense headache that makes you faint at home ?" She enquired holding out her pen and chart.

" Not as intense as this and not as frequent either. The last time I was admitted at the hospital is for stomach ache" I replied.

She nodded, checked my vitals and left without giving me a smile or asking how I am feeling. I also realised that it is already morning because the sun rays peeked through the curtains. I must have been pretty knocked out then.

The doctor that comes in every morning came later and ask a lot of questions about stress and keeping things to myself and all those medical jargons that I hardly keep up with. I keep nodding like I understand every explanation he gives or every question he throws.

" We will monitor you for two weeks with these drugs. If it works fine, if it didn't then I'm afraid we have to send you home for a thorough medical examination" he said before sauntering out of the room. I just hope that he doesn't mean I will be monitored by this unfriendly nurses in this dingy room for two weeks, because it is as good as sentencing me to my death or worse but then, what's worse than death?.

Yah Rabbi grant me health.

I was discharged by noon with the strict instruction for me to be coming twice everyday for my drugs. I will come as far as injection is not involved in the treatment.  I met Maryam and Naima by the gate fuming and throwing cuss words at the nurses.

" Ikon Allah ! What happened ?" I weakly asked wanting nothing than to take a bath and lay in bed till eternity if my crazy friend will let me.

" Do you have any idea how many times I come here today? And what will this lanky stupid nurse say? That we are not allowed to go in unless if we are sick, as if our presence will make you sicker than you already are. I swear to God I would've taught her a lesson if not because this is a school sick bay " Maryam answered my question fuming in visible anger and distress.

" Calm down okay, I am not mad at you for not coming to see me. Besides I'm here now let's go" I said trying to give her a smile.

" If you're not mad at me then I'm mad at myself for not being there for you when you almost died on me yesterday night. Do you have any idea how scared I was ?" She cried  out.

" Ouch " I winced holding my head in my hands which makes her calm down, in a matter of a seconds she's by my side holding me to her saying sorry asking if she's the cause of my distress.

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