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y/n's pov

i was so happy i had gotten my acceptance letter to hogwarts. i run to my dad to show him and quickly say without much breathe "i'm gonna go tell harry be back" and before he could object i run out and knock on door number 4 on privet drive. Mrs. Dursley answered and looked down at me questioningly. "is harry here mrs. dursley?" i ask and she look back glaring at the scrawny wild haired boy who is my best friend.

"why?" she asks looking back down. i suddenly remember i'm in the muggle world and harry doesn't know about magic. i calm down and look away upset.

"nothing i'm sorry for intruding." i mumble and head back.

"hey y/n wait what is it?" harry asks squeezing around his aunt much to her dismay.

"oh uh harry you really shouldn't know i'm sorry i wasn't thinking." i say clutching the parchment in my hand. his emerald orbs land on my hand and he nods. "but i'm not going to be going to school here the rest of my schooling." i say my heart sinking as i think about it, only seeing harry in summer.

"o-oh? are you going to a boarding school? well i hope you have fun y/n" he says hugging me. i hug back tightly and wave good bye walking inside to my father who is lightly scolding me about 'not revealing myself to the muggles'.

"i remembered and didn't tell him dad chill. when am i seeing mom?" i ask about to head upstairs.

"she's coming to pick you up at noon tomorrow." he responds. i nod before rushing upstairs to my room. i lay on my bed staring at the sky silently.

timeskip in DIAGONLLEY

i was walking around in diagon alley and walk into flourish and blotts. i walk around looking at my list for the books i need. i bump into someone and look up slightly mumbling a sorry.

"watch it" a snowy blonde says annoyed. i roll my eyes and continue to look for my books. in the corner of the book i see a very fluffy book and walk over to it tracing my hands on the spine slightly before pulling it out of the case to read 'the monster book of monsters.' and smile; quickly i notice that the book turned alive in my hand and started to try ad bite my hand off. i shut the book rapidly and set it back on the shelf. i go back to looking for my books and check out with mom.

i start walking out and head towards Ollivanders when i see a messy black blob of hair a little bit. i continue to look around the people and see some VERY baggy clothing. immediately i know who it is and run towards harry. "harry!" i yell out and he turns to have me meet his shocked emerald eyes.

"y-y/n what is it? you're a uh you uhm" he stutters and i giggle hugging the bewildered wizard.

"WE'RE GONNA BE IN HOGWARTS TOGETHER." i squeal tightening my grip on the hug that is probably squeezing the air out of him.

my mom pulled me to Ollivanders and told me to explain myself. i have a giant smile plastered on my face. yay.

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