Last day (before) Summer

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a/n first off who gets the joke(?) in the title. 

y/n pov

it was finally the last day of school and i was hurrying to the hospital wing as i had heard that he had gotten very hurt trying to get something. as i was about to walk in harry walks out and instinctively i hug him gently and worried. he must have been shocked because it took a second for harry to hug back. i stay silent keeping him in a firm hug before letting go.

"i'm so glad you're okay. i was so worried. do you still hurt what happened? what were you doing? why?!?" i question in a rush. 

my raven haired friend just chuckles softly. he tells me he is fine and no longer in pain, how madame pomfrey says he's healed now. After i calmed down a bit we start heading to the great hall as he re-encounters everything that happened including seeing he-who-must-not-be-named on the back of professor Quirells head. I was shocked and listened intently.

"HARRY!" we hear hermione scream from the stairs. looking up sure enough her and ron are thee and the two run down meeting us in the entrance hall. "are you okay? how are you feeling?" she asks in a rush.

once again he calms their nerves saying how he feels much better then before. we walk into the great hall and they walk to the Gryffindor table while i sit with the Slytherins. The hall is decorated in beautiful green and silver banners embroidered with a snake. Slytherin had one the house cup this year and I smiled brightly proud of my house for once.

dragon boy is across from me a few seats and has a smug look on his face obviously proud of winning the house cup.

dumbledore stands and all the students fall silent looking up. "what another wonderful year we had this year. slytherin has won the house cup however i believe that there are some last minute points needed to be given out."

i mentally groan knowing the points are going to gryffindor. to be fair though they are in last place so i suppose it's not to bad. hermione gains 50 along with ron and harry gets fucking 60 points. Gryffindor is now TIED with slytherin. annoyed i clap for my friends.

"and finally it is hard to stand up to our enemies but even harder to stand up to our friends. 10 points to neivelle longbottom" dumbledore announces. i glare at my lap because m first year at Hogwarts and my house lost at the last moment!

we are allowed to eat and i dig in listening to dragon boy whining about how slytherin should have won and to be hone i agree to some degree. and i am fairly upset about losing the house cup. after eating i go back to the dorms to make sure everything is packed for heading home tomorrow.

In the morning I grab my trunk and head down to quickly grab a bite of food before leaving. as per usual the great hall is full of students with lively chatter. i smile and eat before leaving to look out at the great lake before leaving to the station. i hear someone clear their throat behind me and turn to see the dragon boy with his bleach blonde hair.

"hello" i say before looking back to the lake. since the slytherins lost the house cup he is also (and rightly so) upset. 

"the carriages are here let's get there so we can get a good compartment on the train." he says.

"why do you want t sit with me?" i ask humming softly.

"because you're in my house now come on i don't know that much about you." he says. i shrug getting up. i'm going to see harry all summer and 'm gonna be writing to ron and hermione, maybe even able to visit them. besides when i get annoyed with dragon boy what he turns into and obvious boisterous ass i'll leave to find the three.

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