The Mirror of Erised

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y/n's pov

we were all laughing as we finished our fight. i would say that all together harry and i won but that's because we're just the best team. laughing and smiling brightly we walk inside slightly shivering from the cold snow clinging to our skin. we go to the great hall while fred and george agree to ask the house elves in the kitchen for hot cocoa. i smile sitting on the bench laying my head on harry's shoulder. it has been about half the day that we have spent outside playing in the snow. i was thinking that if the lake is frozen enough we could go back outside to skate across it.

"after we drink the cocoa i have something to show you y/n" harry says grinning broadly.

"okay" i say quietly as fred and george come back. i sit up smiling at them as the sit down with a tray of mugs. i smile grabbing one.

fred mumbled something to his both his present brothers' ear and they shared a small chuckle. "what is it?" harry questions the three. ron leans in to whisper the so said secret to him and harry's face become more red then when we were outside.

"hm?" i question looking at the three red heads waiting to learn what they shared.

"nothing y/n nothing" george says a slight smirk on his face.

i roll my eyes and begin to sip my cocoa. "okay whatever"

we talk about classes and professors and other students while we sip our cocoa. i finally set down the mug that has lost the warmth of the liquid inside and stand stretching. harry sets down his mug getting up a grin very visible. "come on i need to show you" he says energetic. i giggle before following him through the maze of halls and classrooms.

we enter an abandoned classroom and i see a beautiful full body gold rimmed mirror. harry walks me over and positions me right in front of the mirror. i stare shocked at what i see.

"what is it? what do you see?!?" harry urges. right in front of me is my mom and dad smiling and laughing. i see harry too he's smiling and he no longer looks as malnourished. it seems like their all so happy. "well?" he questions again his eyes searching for any clues my expression may give.

"their happy....." i say quietly still in aww.

"who?" my friend asks again a little less anxious.

"mom, dad. harry you're there too. you look so so healthy and wonderful and...." i break off as my eyes begin to fill with tears.

harry seems taken aback before hugging me. "what is it?" he questions.

"why would you show me this?!?!?" i slightly scream.

"y/n i thought you would like it. what's wrong?" he seems confused and i do my best to calm down.

"but that'll never happen. they'll never be happy like in there never together. they hate eachothers guts. besides why would they get back together when my dad believes my mom and I are freaks for our magic?" i question trying to wipe any tears that are escaping.

harry is silent watching me. "i'm sorry." he mumbles his emerald green orbs staring into my teary e/c ones.

I wipe my tears walking away from the mirror. "it's okay harry you didn't know." I say quietly hugging him. "what do you see?" I question quietly.

"my family, my mom, dad, grandparents, people who care about me." he says gently hugging me.

"I care about you harry and you know I do right?" I say softly. harry nods and i smile and we leave to the gryffindor dorms. it was quite a wonderful day after that. we talked and i showed him my books about the creatures and everything.

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