Forbidden Forest

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y/n's pov

throughout the day I was glared out and I could tell everyone was pissed at Draco and I in  slytherin for costing our house 100 points. I understand their anger but to be honest I feel worst for Harry. Neville and Hermione are not very recognizable people and so most of the blame and anger is on Harry. I feel terrible for him.


finally it was time to find out what are detention was and get over it. I follow Filch with Harry, Hermione, Neville, and Draco. We see a lantern in the distance that must be Hagrid. We walk to his hut silently and I notice he is obviously still heart broken about his loss. I feel bad for the guy, Norbert was his pet, but it was an illegal pet none the less.

"stop yer blubberin'. no need to be friendly with these trouble makers. it's their detention. i miss those old days when we hung kids on the dungeon cieling by their toes when they misbehaved. Anyway you five are gonna help hagrid with findin' out what's killing all the unicorns." filch explains before leaving obviously annoyed his job involves a bunch of magical teenagers.

"wait!? we're going into the forbidden forest?!? we can't go in there i hear there's werewolves in there!" malfoy freaks staring into the dark trees.

"lot worst things then werewolves. now er let's split up to find what's killing the unicorns. if you find something set off green lights. if you get into some sort of trouble send up red. now what we're focusing on is the silver, shimmery blood that shoes there's an injured unicorn nearby." hagrid explains to us. "harry hermione you two can come with me. neville, y/n, and draco you can go the other way once we split."

"fine but we get fang." draco says obviously trying to hide the evident in his voice.

"all right, bloody coward he is" hagrid responds before the 6 of us and fang enter the forest following a trail until stopping at a fork within a frew feet from the enterance. 

draco, fang, neville, and i decide to take the left part and begin walking looking for the hurt creature. neville was very close pratically holding onto me in fear as draco lingered behind. suddenly draco ran up screaming causing neville to send up red sparks.

i catch my own breath from the scare and draco laughs. i hear feet rushing towards us and i turn to see hagrid, harry, and hermione.

"what happened what's wrong?! did you find something?" hagrid asks in a rush.

i sigh annoyed, "no malfoy scared neville and he shot up the sparks. we're sorry."

hagrid also takes a deep sigh of annoyance. "alright er...harry you go with malfoy and y/n and neville you come with hermione and i" 

we nod before neville, hagrid, and hermione leave and harry, malfoy, and i continue on our way. after a few minutes we come to a small opening and see the injured unicorn, limp on the floor. i gasp staring as a hooded figure, shrouded over it begins drinking the blood not noticing us. that does not last long as dragon boy lets out a blood curdling scream running off with fang following behind him.

the figure turns and I notice harry wince in pain grabbing his scar slightly. I send up red sparks as fear consumes me.  The hooded figure rushes to us but is blocked by a centaur. i immediantly recognize this creature from it's shadow, i've read all about them. mystical creatures they are, very into astrology and the stars, centaurs are half human half horse.

the thing scurries away as everyone appears finding us yet again. terrified we walk back to the edge of the forbidden forest, back to the hogwarts castle, back to the slytherin common room for draco and i, and back to my dormitory.

this was a long night and i am ready to sleep. i lay in bed closing my eyes as the night encaptures my body.


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