Try outs!!!!

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draco's pov

i've been avoiding y/n for a while now. well not avoiding her just not talking to her and trying not to make eye contact. it's been a little odd since diagon alley as my dad called her my girlfriend (a/n not boyfriend god my brain just enjoys the gay to much to think straight anymore) i mean i would love for us to be even half that close but it won't happen. i was smiling at the slytherin quidditch tryout. my father guaranteed me a spot though by buying the team all nimbus 2001. i look at everyone and see y/n. i smile at her but she seems distracted. i look at the crowd to see who has come to watch. my eyes skim them bored but stop on the head of messy raven hair.

why in the world is HE here. i wonder if y/n decided to ask him to come watch her. i growl annoyed at the thought that he would come to a SLYTHERIN quidditch tryout. he wasn't in out house.

y/n's pov

i was nervous. i wanted to be a beater so badly but i'm scared that being a second year they won't let me. i mean they might, harry got to be a seeker at year 1, but this is a beater a bit of a more dangerous position. i glance to harry. i asked him to come to my tryouts for moral support and though he didn't want to be around slytherins he agreed couteously. i smiled bright before pulling him to the field letting go for him to go to the bleachers.

finally it was my turn to show what i got. i grab a bat for the beaters and fly into the air. a bludger heads for me and i wait before swinging my bat at the right moment after a second of considering where i want it to go. i aimed for the first thing i thought of, sadly, harry. after realizing that the bludger wasn't steering away i scream with all my might.


he notices the bludger isn't changing it's route too and moves quickly to the ground of the bleachers. i fly down after a second to get over the shock as he nearly gets hit. the bludger comes back like a dog trotting to it's owner. i get some glares from slytherins as i hear them mutter i should have let it hit him. i stay silent as i see his messy hair, even more muddled from the sudden drop, poke his head up to look at me. i smile sadly and disheveled from my worry.

small timeskip

it was finally after practice and harry was coming down from the bleachers. i go to rush to him and apologize but a cold hand entraps my wrist. i look over to see dragon boy. i had not talked to him since diagon alley. he seemed slightly annoyed with me; like most of the other slytherins i may add.

"let's go to the common room, you did good." he says trying to pull me with him.

"i'll catch up i'm going to talk to harry first." i say trying to pull away.

"no he's fine i'm sure come on." he argues.

"i need to apologize."

"no you don't; stop associating with him. he's a gryffindor and their golden boy too."

"he's my friend i don't care what you think he is." i say and roughly step on his foot. he releases my hand cursing under his breath. i storm off to find the raven headed boy.

"thanks for the surprise present." he says chuckling slightly.

i crack a smile and suppress my giggle. "yeah sorry thought you needed a bit of charge after seeing the horribly boring try outs before me." i joke before getting more serious, "i am sorry though. i didn't think about who to aim at and have distinctive hair and i know you." i explain.

"it's fine. youll be aiming for me on the field anyway when i'm close to the snitch." he chuckles. i smile back. "i should get back to the common room. you coming with me or going to the slytherin common room?" he asks.

"slytherin. sorry i want to read a bit. i'm in a really cool part on my book about deadly beasts." i say smiling. harry smiles back and we walk in before parting our seperate ways.

as soon as i walk into the common room i get glares from nearly half of the kids there. i freeze and stay silent. draco walks up and pull me to a corner.

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