Finale (Draco)

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y/n's pov

It was finally the next day. I had a blast playing in the snow, drinking hot cocoa, reading by the fire, and talking with my friends. I was walking towards the great lake for the picnic I had with Harry and humming to myself. I had brought my wand, obviously, but also a blanket so that the ice cold snow doesn't freeze us. I walk over to where Harry is. He smiles and i set the large blanket down doubling it over. Harry had already cleared a section of the sidewalk of snow.

"Hey y/n. I'm glad you came." he says sitting down. I sit to nodding.

"Of course." I respond not knowing much of what to talk about.

"Uh y/n. I actually wanted to talk to you about something." Harry says.

"About what?"

"I uh....I was wondering if we could maybe date? Or something. I like you a lot and well I was just hoping you return the feelings." He explains blushing and stumbling over his words.

I stay still. Why does he like me? I mean yeah we've been friends since I could remember but... Another thing that confuses my mind is how Draco also admitted he likes me. I don't know what to say or do. I mean, yeah I like Harry, but just as a friend or a brother. To be honest I think I like Draco more.

"I'm sorry Harry, but I see you more of a brother," I explain.

He nods going silent. "okay,"

I smile gently at him, "shall we eat?"

He nods, smiling again, and picks up a sandwich. I do the same and we begin eating. After finishing the sandwiches I take a sip from the hot cocoa.

Harry seems to be staring at me, his emerald eyes are glassed over. I wave my hand in front of his face. He shakes his head, "huh?"

"you okay?" I ask.

Harry looks away nodding. I nod confused and feel cold slush smash into my face. I gasp at the sudden cold impact. I look over and notice Draco threw the snowball. "uh, hey Dragon boy?" I reply confused.

"Are you on a date!" he cries. I'm shocked and shake my head.

"No, we were just having a picnic," I explain.

Draco stares at me; I see slight pain and worry in his eyes. "It's not a date?" he repeats.

I nod, "I don't see Harry like that. He's basically my brother," I add.

Draco nods slightly and Harry's eyebrows furrow. "You like y/n?" He asks.

Draco glares at him before looking at me. "y/n, are you free to talk? alone?" he asks glaring back at Harry.

I glance at Harry. He nods and I stand, "yeah,"

Draco and I walk to another part of the black lake. "Are you okay?" I ask.

Draco nods staying silent. "I...I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend. Seeing you with Harry on that stupid picnic scared me. I don't want to lose you to some stupid boy like Potter,"

I stare at him silent, blushing softly. I know that I don't see Draco as a brother. He's actually really cute and sweet too. I stay silent for a moment smiling softly.

"I understand if you don't want to. If you see me like a 'brother' like you do stupi-" He begins, I cut him off.

"I would love too. You are definitely not seen as a brother," I say giggling softly.

Draco seems shocked but smiles and hugs me. "thank you," he pauses looking at me, "I'm sorry about throwing that snowball at your face," he says.

I giggle nodding. "It's fine," I hum.

"I'll let you go back to your picnic but afterwards how about we read in the common room by the fire?" He asks.

I nod going back to the picnic.

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