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draco's pov

it's only been a week into summer and i still can't stop thinking of y/n. she was so lost in her book on the train and at times she would sit straighter and tap my shoulder showing me and explaining a certain animal. she was smiling brightly and forgot all about how i fight and argue about potter and weasel and their mudblood friend. it was obvious she loved creatures and it was beautiful. finally i give i and sit at m desk writing a letter to her.

dear y/n,

summer break has been deadly boring without someone to talk to. how is your summer break going and is it as boring for you? maybe we should meet up, we could go to diagon alley and meet there. i know some wonderful spots there. respond as soon as you can

sincerely, draco malfoy.

i sign my name and head outside for my owl. i attach he letter and watch my eagle owl fly off to send my letter.

y/n's pov

like every day so far this week i go to the dursleys and knock; so far they haven't been home so i'm guessing they've been out for some vacation or whatever. i honestly don't care and just want to talk to harry.

to my surprise the door does open today and vernon dursley opens the door.

"hello mr.dursley. is harry here?" i ask hoping to be able to see my friend.

"he's grounded." he says stiffly. i frown slightly and nod.

"when will he be ungrounded?" i ask.

"at the end of summer." vernon says. i stay silent in complete shock.

"i won't be able to talk to him till the end of summer?" i ask for clarificatin. he must be kidding, then again the dursleys never joke around.

he nods and shuts the door. i stay for a moment before going back home. once i get home i see an eagle owl in front of my door holding a letter. i untie the letter and thank the bird. i open it up and read it. a letter from dragon boy, odd. i shrug slightly walking in and head to my room. i grab my potions book and start on my summer homework.

next day

i was walking around the neighborhood and i look up to see bars! bars on harry's window! what did harry do that made the dursleys so mad....well i suppose the dursleys just hate him but still i find it insane that they would go that far. i look up to the window and see harry looking dead inside. i walk closer and see him look down towards me smiling gently.

"what's going on harry?" i question.

"just locked in my room nothing much" he says rolling his eyes sadly though smiling.

"why though. what did you do?" i question once again.

"i went to hogwarts. real anti-magic folks i live with. installed  doggy door so i can't leave and they just push my food through. at least i get food i suppose. vernon keeps getting mad because hedwig keeps flapping her wings. she just wants to be let outside. it's kinda crap." he explains.

shocked i listen to every word. "you know i may be able to take hedwig for you. i don't know. i can tell the weasleys i'm sure they would want to know."

harry shrugs. "let's see if i get a letter from them first." he says and i nod. "you best get going vernon doesn't want me talking to people. he's in a fit right now." harry says and i nod waving.

"see you at hogwarts" i say before leaving. i sigh heading to the park when the same owl as yesterday swoops down in front of me. i unfold the letter.

dear y/n,

i noticed that you didn't send a letter back. do you not have an owl of your own. it's fine if you don't of course. my owl will send your reply to me but i was thinnking of meeting in diagon alley this weekend. it seems like a good idea in my opinion. maybe you have more creatures to show me. they're interesting to say the least. not to mention we could probably do our summer assignments together. my owl will stay with you for your response. 

sincerely, draco malfoy

ps. if you don't have a way to going to diagon alley i can get you there just tell me

 i can't believe him. seriously why does he want to hang out. i shrug and head home and as sad in the letter the brown large owl follows. i groan internally and hurry home hopefully not get to many strange looks. i sigh and walk in going straight to my desk to reply.

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