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y/n's pov

i was walking to the great hall for breakfast and to get my schedule. i lather some jam on toast and pour a cup of coffee/tea (whichever you prefer also i need coffee right now i'm about to pass out in class) and eat. snape walks and drops my schedule in front of me continuing down the row of students. i roll my eyes and look at my schedule. i start with the defense against the dark arts then charms, potions, charms, lunch, herbology, transfiguration, flying lessons, then finishing with history of magic.

i finish breakfast and walk to professor quirrell's classroom. I walk in and have a seat in the front corner of the room. i see malfoy walk in and he glances at me before sitting in the seat behind me. i rummage around in my bag for my book and my pen; i know that it's supposed to be a quill and some ink but this is for my book not an assignment, for assignments i'll use the quill and ink. i grab them out and prepare to zone out and take some notes. nerd i know but i take them all on the first day by not listening to the teacher and reading the book. i decided that since it's my own personal copy of the book i can write down and point out the most important things.

the class begins and professor quirrell talks slightly about himself and the class. i tune him out and start the first chapter of the book. the class periods are fairly long so i'll at least finish this chapter and maybe even chapter two.

timeskip to potions

i walk down into the dungeon as potions with the other gryffindors is about to start. i choose a seat in the front yet again and malfoy walks in snickering with his goons and chooses to sit right next to me. i ignore him while grabbing my book and pen once again. i glance over when i feel something brush my hand to see the blonde turned talking with crabbe and goyle. i roll my eyes scooting away from him as proffessor snape walks in.

"I can teach you how to bottle fame and brew glory." he turns and his icy eye catches harry for a second. "aw yes out new celebrity harry potter. tell me potter what happens when you add powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

harry looks quite dumbfounded and stutters as hermione's hand shoots straight up. the proffessor ignores her and continues to question harry. i roll my eyes and  continue to work alone.

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