I care!

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harry's pov (something new)

i was rushing to potions and enter right as class starts. "potter take your seat." snape hisses glaring towards me.

"yes proffessor sorry." i mumble before going to my seat glancng at y/n who seemed deep in thought. we start working on a new potion the pepperup potion when y/n raises her hand.

sighing deeply snape looks up "yes l/n?" he questions annoyance in his voice.

"why do we use Powdered asphodel in this potion? by adding it what are we doing to the potion? i notice you don't often talk about what the ingrediants do or why w-" she starts.

"i teach you the potion, what it does, and any side effects. that is all i need to teach."

y/n seems unsatisfied with his answer and continued, "i understand sir but by knowing why and what the ingredients do and how they react to eachother we can find ways to make other potions that are not yet created."

"miss l/n if you are so interested we have a lib-" snape starts before being contradicted yet again.

"it should be your responsibility to help explain the potion more then what to do to make it and use it. It seems that eve if time is the problem we have time while working on potions where it's just silence a-"

"MS. L/N THAT IS ENOUGH! when making potions it is highly important to be in silence so you are not distracted. with that said we have no time to explain such pointless stuff! if you continue to argue about the way i teach then you will get detention!" snape responds anger boiling in him.

y/n mumbles something under her breath that i don't quite hear but i can see the grave annoyance in her expression. the room is silent for a minute before we are told to go to work.

y/n's pov

it was lunch and i was heading to the gryffindor table for lunch with harry and sit down. "hey y/n" he says smiling.

"hey harry...i think i know what you're nickname should be." i say brightly.


i nod before saying "special one." as a joke giggling.

"special one?" he questions with a scoff.

"yeah. you're the only person who's ever survived the killing curse. you're special." i say and it seems he believe the joke as his expression turns sad. i wait a moment before y giggles escape. "i'm kidding! i actually have nothing sorry." i say frowning.

"oh it's okay i'm sure we'll think of something eventually." he says smiling. "h by the way what did you mumble during potions?" he questions.

i giggle "oh just how i find it important and not as 'oh so pointless' as proffesor snape. it's his job but i'll go to the library if he wont do it." i smile as he laughs his eyes shining bright with happiness. i finish eating and get up. "i'm going there right now want to come?" i question.

"no i'm good but thanks." harry says and i smile leaving towards the library. i look at all the potion book and then find an herbology potions book labeled "Magical substances and their uses". i grab it and head to a corner sitting down. i hear snickering and glance up to see Parkinson, goyle, crabbe, and malfoy.

"are you seriously reading about that stupid shit?!?" dragon boy questions as though it's poison to read about this stuff.

"yes i want to know how i can make potions myself and know how it works and why it wouldn't." i explain glaring. the blonde sits right next to me taking the book. i sit up "give it back malfoy." i growl.

"nope" is all he says before leaving. i follow.

"give me my book." i say trying to grab the book.

"stop you freak. you may be a slytherin but you're nothing like us and never will be. you should ju-" parkinson starts.

"i don't want to be in slytherin i would rather be in any other house." i remark glaring.

the quartet growls at me and i roll my eye. "malfoy give me the book" i say again.

"fine" he says and tosses it on top of the book shelf where i can't reach without climbing. "go get it." i glare at their backs a the four leave the library. i stand on my tip-toes outstretching my hands and try my best to grab it jumping slightly. i feel the four laughing at me but i don't care as i touch the very edge of the book. i jump again only to stumble when landing and fall on my ass. the four roar with laughter leaving going to class. annoyed i try again to grab the book succeeding and smiling slightly before heading to herbology.

a/n oka

y tell me what should happen and what should harry's nickname be. i'm low on inspiration so i need help!

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