Diagon alley

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f/b-favourite breakfast
f/d-favourite drink

y/n's pov

i was upset. every day i ended up trying to speak to harry but the dursleys every time told me he was grounded. Then after a few weeks they started telling me i should hang out with dudley. freaking dudley! i respectfully denied and finally stopped asking.

i would watch harry sadly locked and caged in his room. it was a few days before we would go back to hogwarts and i was unable to sleep. I see headlights out of my window but they're in the air. magic who could it be. I look out at the beat up old teal car. I see tuffs of red and instantly know it's the weasleys. they must be here to help harry; he hasn't been allowed to write and they must be worried sick. harry has also said that he hasn't got any letter from them. I watch as the twins attach  a piece of rope to the bars on his window. the engine of the flying vehicle revved slightly as the pulled off them. i watch in amusment as they help harry out before his uncle comes in and tries pulling him back inside.

after the quarrel they fly past my house and wave before leaving. i smile, he's safer now i know. i lay down and try to go to sleep. I relax my body until I force sleep upon me.

in the morning I wake up to yelling. yelling? I think for a second before realizing it's the day I go to diagon alley. my mom probably got my supply list and we're going today. my dad and mom don't get along. they did once before but not since. I sigh and get ready before walking down jumping the last to steps. 

"morning." I say smiling. they instantly stop yelling. both of them have always tried to refrain from yelling around me. It doesn't always work but sometimes.

"morning dear" they say in unison before glaring the other down.

"come on we're eating breakfast at the leaky cauldron today we have to get to diagon alley before it's too crowded." my mom says. I nod and wave bye to dad smiling.

"later dad" I say.

"see you September 1st" he responds. my mom apparates with me to diagon alley and I instantly sit on a stool. I hate apparition it makes me feel so nauseated. I ignore the feeling as my mom and I order breakfast. I get f/b and f/d and eat semi slowly. after finishing we check the supply list and decide to stop by flourish and blotts first. it's my favourite shop of ALL time because of the amount of books they have about magical creatures.

the store today was ruckess! my mother obviously saw the flash of shock and fear in my eye as she helped me through the crowd to get the piles of books in our year. after collecting the multitude my mom says I can look around while she waits in line.

"smile boy this will make the first page." I hear someone say from the front on the line. I look over to see harry with someone. a golden blonde idiot.....like tamaki. I giggle at the thought and cant help but smile at seeing harry out from the Dursleys. after pulling himself away I see who I assume is mrs.Weasley tell harry, ron, and the others to go wait outside. they head towards the door when I hear a familiar sneer.

"famous harry potter can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page." it was dragon boy. I instantly blush remembering the memory of his mother referring to our meet up as a date. I walk over, mostly to embrace harry in a hug since it's been forever, but also to stop the fight about to happen.

"leave him alone" says a Weasley, female which comes as a slight shock, first year.

"got yourself a girlfriend potter!?" he laughs as though the thought is ridiculous and the girl instantly shrinks back.

I look to harry and instantly see his stomach and ribs, he's never been large or even fully average but he looks awful. "my god harry how much have they been feeding you!?!" I ask in pure shock and horror.

the weasleys, harry, and dragon boy seem to jump in my sudden appearance. "y-y/n hello" he says awkwardly. then someone, draco's father I bet, walks down the stairs to draco

"I hope you are playing nice draco." he says. his voice is stern, cold, and sharp like icy rock. he eyes the weasleys, then hermione, harry and then his eyes land on me. "I remember you." he says softly. I tense. I don't know why but I don't want him to remember me.

"remember?" harry questions softly.

I mumble under my breath to quiet fr him too hear.

"ah yes aren't you draco's little girlfriend." he says. draco instantly turns wine red.

I blush as well but faintly, "we're just friends sir." I reply quietly. harry seems very puzzled. a lanky man walks up, seemingly mr. Weasley and he's smiling bright. he smile quickly depletes when he sees dragon boy's father.

"ah Weasley. I see you still can't afford the best for your kids" mr Malfoy says picking up a book from the cauldron of the first year girl. I glare at his shoes but stay silent.

"luscious" I can hear the strain in his voice.

the begin to bicker and I see mr Malfoy slide a book with the original back into the first years cauldron. suddenly mr Weasley leaps to mr Malfoy and I stare shocked. hagrid, the game keeper comes in as my mom walks over.

"harry it's so good to see you!" she says as a warm greeting. "y/n come on we need to go before it gets more crowded." she says completely ignoring the fight that just happened between to grown ass men who have kids.

"aw you must be mrs. Fawley pleasure to meet you." mr Malfoy says. she turns and smiles at him.

"oh mr Malfoy hello. y/n tells me all about 'dragon boy' that's what she calls your son. it's hilarious cause I've seen her forget his name before" my mother smiles gently, " I look away embarresed. "she had so much fun at her little study time." she says. I grab my list of school supplies skimming over it.

"mom let's go get my potion ingredients it's too crowded in here." I say. my mom smiles nodding.

"I'll see you again mr. Malfoy" my mom says before we leave to the potions shop.

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