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y/n's pov

Finally it was time for christmas break. in all honesty i've head ENOUGH of slytherin and was ready to be alone since i was staying at hogwarts for christmas. light snow is falling on the grounds as everyone leaves. i glance over to the great hall to see my raven head friend and ginger playing a game of chess. while walking up i get a glimpse of the bleach blonde dragon boy.

"I see you're staying with those blood traitors." he sneers.

i roll my eyes glancing over. "yes. and truly i prefer that to staying a minute longer around more slytherins." i respond glaring. malfoy seems taken aback and glares before leaving with the crowd of students.

i walk to the two and see that a chess piece has just been destroyed by another. "what the-"

"that's barbaric!" i hear and look up to see the bushy haired muggle born witch say in total disgust.

"that's wizard chess" ginger says in response smirking. it's fairly obvious he enjoys knowing stuff that hermione, the best witch in our year, doesn't.

we continue talking after hermione left while ron and harry play each other. ron wins and  decide to try and play him. i sit by harry and ask "how do you play exactlly?

harry helps me decide where to move but it was of no use as i still lost. "you're great at his ron" i say after he wins once again

"I know" he says grinning cockily. i giggle and we begin talking about everything and anything.

we continue speaking until it was nearly curfew. i tried convincing them to let me stay the night in the gryffindor common room like a sleepover but they decline saying it was likely we would get in trouble for doing so. i head to the dungeons for bed and go to sleep.

in the morning

i wake up to see presents all along the foot of my bed. i quickly crawl to the pile and start opening them. my mother gave me more books on magical creatures and books about mythology and animals. ron gave me some chocolate frogs, hermione gave me a notebook for first hand experiences with animals, and shockingly enough i got a sweater from mrs. weasley. i open a small package from harry i open to see a pocket sketch book. i smile thumbing to it before quickly going to the cover that has a note.

dear y/n,
thank you so much for staying my friend even though we're in different houses, rival houses i guess you could say. i bought this a while ago because i instantly thought of your sticky notes you use on the go when getting inspiration. Hopefully this is more convenient.

i smile and mentally note to thank him. i see one last present with no clue of who gave it to me. i open it to find a small dragon bracelet. i smile in aw at how beautiful it is. i wonder slightly who would give me it and yet not say who they were. i wonder why as well as the bracelet is beautiful. i quickly get up and change putting on some comfy warm pants and the sweater. i slide the bracelet on and walk out to see if ron and harry are in the great hall. they were and i quickly make my way to them.

"ron your mom made me a sweater!" i exclaim nearing seeing that all the weasleys still in school and harry have a hand-knitted sweater from mrs. weasley.

"yeah mom always gives us christmas sweater" ginger says seemingly embarrassed.

"it's so warm and fuzzy" i say in admiration hugging myself before giggling and sitting. the christmas spirit has entered my soul making me very giddy.

"nice bracelet y/n but don't you think it sorta clashes?" fred says walking up with his twin george.

"a bit, i actually don't know who gave it to me. they didn't sign there present." i explain eating some pancakes and bacon

"hm odd that it's a dragon don't you think. i mean you're a slytherin and not to be rude but i don't see your spirit animal is a dragon. well...." ron says before trailing off thinking.

"meh it's pretty though. hey after breakfast we should go onto the quidditch pitch and play." i say brightly.

"we have an odd number though." harry says.

"meh oh well." i giggle continuing to eat. harry and ron argue about how we would play when the school brooms are locked up and he and i don't have any brooms to use.

"well then we can have a snowball fight how about that." george says intruding on the argument.

"okay" i agree nodding.

"y/n and i are on a team." harry says grinning. i smile as well thinking of past memories on privet drive.


it was finally christmas break and i see harry outside shoveling the driveway. i frown since he's only 9 and shouldn't be doing THAT. i walk over a smile on my face silently and collect some snow forming it into a firm snowball throwing it at the raven head. he turns around quickly as i just throw the cold power at his face not bothering to compress it together. he laughs and makes a snowball throwing it at me as well. i laugh as we start throwing the compressed snow at eachother. i run to him with a smile and a large snowball throwing it but missing by a centimeter. i groan and slip on the ice falling on my butt. harry walks to me and holds out his hand to help me up. i grab it and he tries pulling me up before we both slip falling. i laugh as my cheeks become rosy from the cold and our close contact. we laugh before mr. dursley walks out yelling at him for not shoveling the driveway nd playing.
"sorry harry" i mumble before hugging him and leaving back home"

back to now

"that's fine weasleys against you two" fred says slinging his arm around george and ron. i giggle and get up.

"let's go then!" i say brightly heading outside. the 4 boys follow me as we start to build bases, shields and snowballs.

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