Lunch and Flying

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draco's pov

i decided to sit next to y/n in potions today and she ignores me. after class finished i got up and took slightly longer telling crabbe and goyle to go ahead. i wait for y/n to finish packing up and walk with her.

"yes malfoy?" she questions without much emotion.

she seems very harsh but i don't mind, she will no doubt become my friend. "i was wondering why you weren't paying attention to the professors in any of the classes so far? i understand they're dull but you could still listen." i say watching her.

"i have a way i learn and teachers aren't one of them. it's very rare that i'll do good on a test by a teacher telling me about something. i review the book and add notes i don't need to hear the teacher because it distracts me. simple." she responds her gaze upon the hallway and we both turn to head towards the charms class.

i continue to talk or at least attempt to talk though she usually ignores me. we enter the classroom and y/n sits next to the mudblood granger. i decide it's not worth it to follow her and sit by crabbe and goyle.

at lunch

y/n's pov

i was walking through the lunch and see a bright red headed boy accompanying the messy raven head. i decide i don't care if they're gryffindors and techniquely i should sit at my house table not theirs so i walk over. "hi harry, ron" i say brightly. the smile back but glance at my tie.

"aren't you supposed to sit at the slytherin table." ron says.

"i'd prefer to eat lunch with friends not my house mates. i don't know them enough yet understand?" i explain and the two nod smiling.

"how has your day been so far?" harry asks as ron begins eating.

i take a piece of bread and look down. "Annoying. after potions malfoy decided to tag along and walk with me to charms and kept talking and asking me questions. i don't mind him but it gets tedious to continue listening to his voice plus he's a bully. i can tell by the way he talked to you two on the train. how about you?" i reply smiling as though my life and day are perfect and peachy.

"well it's been eh. potions was embarrassing." harry says. i giggle slightly.

"it's the first day he can't really think you'd know the answers or memorized the book already." i respond giggling. we continue to converse and eat until it's time to go back to classes.

i wave goodbye and head to herbology with the other slytherins and ravenclaws. i find a mostly empty spot at the back. i usually am in the front in classes except for interactive classes such as herbology and flying. i do enjoy classes but don't often like socializing.

while looking through my bag for the correct things needed draco walks and decides to stand by me for the lesson. i do my best to ignore him but it's hard when he's so loud.

timeskip again :P 

i walk onto the pitch. we have flying essons with gryffindor and i choose a spot right in front of harry. slytherins and gryffindors had to be across from each other according to the teacher. draco stood next to me much to my annoyance.

madame hooch begins telling us how we fly and what to do one her whistle. she instructs us to say 'up' to our broom so that it lands into our hands.

harry and draco were the first to get their brooms up; i try again "up" i say as though scolding a kid. the broom lifted into my hand and i hear a smack. i look up to see ron's broom smacked him in the face. i giggle slightly. after every one has got there brooms up madame hooch counts to three. she blows her whistle and i got to mount my broom. longbottom starts to rise already; he continues to rise and rise and his broom begins to start spazzing out and zooming here and there with the boy clutching on.

a few moments later he falls off and lands hands first on the ground as the broom flies away by itself. i step forward slightly and madame hooch rushes forward. "tsk tsk sprained wrists. i'm going to take mr. longbottom to the hospital wing. all broom and feet shall stay on the ground. if any one of you is in the air you'll be expelled faster than you can say quidditch" and she helps longbottom up walking to the hospital wing for madame pomfrey.

the platinum blonde haired slytherin who's "keeping me company" as he calls it last time i asked to leave e alone walks forward. i notice that the brown haired boy neville dropped a remembrall. draco picks it up and twirls it in his fingers.

"you'd think if he gave this a squeeze he'd remember to land on his fat ass" he laughs and i step forward trying my best to look confident and intimidating. 

"malfoy give it here!" i glance behind me to see harry has beat my to scolding draco about taking the remembrall.

"how about i leave it where longbottom can get it eh." draco responds getting onto his broom "come and get it potter!" he sneers a smirk forming upon his lips.

"you're gonna get expelled malfoy, even though that's less trouble for everyone else," i say mumbling the last part and continue, "get down and stop being an ass."

draco laughs and flies off. harry soon follows suit much to my dismay. draco then throws the ball sliding down. i watch the walnut sized clear orb and get ready to chase it if harry doesn't catch it. miraculously harry did catch it and came gliding back down. 

"great job harry. you would be good a-" i start then ms. mcgonagall walks out looking stern.

"potter follow me." draco laughs with his goons and  harry sets the broom down walking with his head of house to some place. i frown worried, i don't want to lose one of m only friends.

"i can't believe he's stupid enough to try and grab it!" draco yells.

i turn and glare right into the boys icy grey eyes making him quiet as he smirked back slightly.

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