The train

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y/n's pov

it was finally the day. i got up early and started getting ready for king's cross. i hum while brushing my h/c hair and then get dressed in a pair of jeans and a f/c tank top and of course my jacket. i walk downstairs and see my mom and dad in an argument. this happens a lot; since i'm going to hogwarts both mom and dad are going to drop me off for the final good bye but they don't get along.

i clear my throat and their heads snap to me. a smile appears on my mom's face and i see pride and yet disappointment in my dad's eyes. my dad loves me with all his heart but.....he doesn't like the fact i'm a witch. the reason he broke u with my mom other than family was because she was a witch. he thought we were evil from the stories he's heard and when you-know-who was at the peak of his power my dad couldn't trust any magical people.

"are you ready" dad asks and i nod smiling grabbing my trunk.

"oh you've gotten so big baby" mom says and i look down to hide my smile. we all head out and into dad's car much to mom's dismay. being part of the sacred 28 before being disowned she wasn't highly interested in muggle transportation but would use it on occasions.

once at the station we head to platform 9 3/4. whilst walking i see harry and wave but he doesn't notice however Mr. Dursley did. he glared towards me and i glance at dudley with a pig tail. i hold back a giggle as mr. dursley says something to harry then leaves laughing with his wife and son. i hate how they treat harry like skum.

"packed with muggles, as always" says a bright red headed plump witch. i hear mom scoff as she sees her and we walk to the station through the wall but then dad couldn't. mom seemed to ignore this but i didn't i walk back out hugging him tight.

"bye dad i'll miss you and i'll be good and said reports and won't get a boyfriend" i say listing everything he always tells me before going back to mom's for the school year.

"good i'll miss you y/n." he mumbles and head back to the care after a kiss on the cheek. as i turn to go back in harry runs into the wall and i follow giggling.

"bye mom i won't forget to write" i say giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek before leave and she apparates home. i look for a compartment to sit in and find the bleach blonde. i leave the compartment without a second thought and look for more. quickly i see messy black hair and smile. he was talking to some ginger kid.

i silently open the compartment door and then quickly jump on him embracing him in a hug. "hey harry!" i yell to a very shocked ginger and embarrassed harry.

"y/n hey" he mumbles hugging back.

"who are you ginger?" i ask looking at the boy with a face covered in freckles.

"ron weasley and uh?"

"y/n l/n." i reply shortly and then the trolley lady walks up.

"anything from the trolley dears?" she askes in her sweet grandmothery voice. i smile and glance at harry and gi-uh-ron. nuh i like ginger i now call him ginger!

"no i'm set." he says holding up a blob of meat and bread that i think is supposed to be a few sandwiches.

harry looks at the lump with pity and suddenly says "we'll take the lot." smiling and holding up his coin purse. after getting the candy i nibble on a licorice wand and harry opens a chocolate frog card. i sit up straighter and look at it. "it's not a real frog right?"

"nope just shaped like one but that's not the important part. what's the card?" i ask as he begins to open it.

he sets the frog in his mouth holding it between his teeth while looking at the card. "albus dumbledore got bout  seven of him" ginger says stuffing his face with more chocolate.

"oh" he responds moving the card around to examine it. dumbledore leaves and the expression on harry's face is priceless. "where'd he go!?" he asks.

"can't expect him to stay around forever do you?" ginger says. i roll my eyes and explain wizard candy and cards. while talking the blonde walks in with two other.

"so the rumors are true the famous harry potter is on the train to hogwarts." he sneers. i glare. i don't like this boy.

"what do you want and who are you?" i ask annoyance in my tone.

"well i'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." ginger and i snort at his name and he glances at me. "anyway you shouldn't make friends with the wrong sort i can help you out." he said holding a hand out to harry.

"i think i can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks." he says. i giggle; harry is awesome when he turns all sassy.

he turns and leaves with his goons and we soon arrive to hogwarts.

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