Polyjuice Potion

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Harry's pov

I was so pissed the entire day and tried focusing on the task at hand. After finally so long the potion was ready but we had to wait till the end of the day. Ron and I sneak to outside the great hall and cast the levitating spell on some drugged cupcakes. As predicted Crabbe and Goyle, there faces stuffed, See them and walk over. We levitate them close to a broom closet and then let them eat it. They fall after their first bite falling asleep. Ron and I lug the two into the closet and take a lock of their hair. I was caring and gentle, unlike Ron who was showing Goyle no mercy and yanking his hair hard.

We go back to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and hand Hermione the hair. She pours the potion into three cups. She adds the hairs to each cup and hands them to us. I take it like a shot and want to throw up immediantly. Ron and Hermione take it too and the rush to the stalls obviously feeling sick too.

I look into the mirror as my skin boils and my reflection changes into Crabbe. My vision gets blurry and clothes get tighter so I change robes and shoes taking off my glasses. Ron, now looking like Goyle, comes out and we wait for Hermione. 

From her stall she says "you guys go ahead."

"But Hermione-," Ron starts, his voice is deeper now.

"Just go the potion only lasts an hour. Go," she yells annoyed and upset.

We decide not to question and we head to the Slytherin common rooms. Worried the two of us realize we don't know the password. I look around as we're in the dungeons and my blood boils like my skin did a few minutes ago. Down the hall I see that bleach-blonde prat talking to y/n. I know I shouldn't be jealous; her and I aren't a thing, neither is her and Malfoy.

Speaking of which he looks over and says, "Crabbe, Goyle, where have you two been?"

I think of a quick excuse and say "w-we were just coming back from the great hall."

He scoffs mumbling under his breath. I notice y/n give him a side-glare but stays silent anyways. "Come on let's go back to the common room," he says.

We head to the common room and see Percy. Ron goes to speak but catches his words. "What are you four doing?" he asks judgement covering his voice thickly.

Draco goes to speak, seemingly annoyed, but is interrupted by y/n. "We're just going to our common room Weasley. Prefect duty I presume? The curfew hasn't started yet so calm down. Just because we're Slytherin, and out of our common room, doesn't mean we're up to something. Now excuse us I have some chapters to catch up on. Have a merry Christmas," She then goes back to walking to the Slytherin common room.

Once inside I have to hold back a gasp. It's so much nicer and fancier looking than the Gryffindor one. Y/n walks off towards the fire place grabbing a book and begins reading.

y/n's pov

I go to the fireplace and pick up my new book beginning to read. I smile taking in the fresh print and smell of the book and fire. Malfoy sits on one of the chairs and Crabbe and Goyle awkwardly take a seat on the chair.

They begin talking but I don't pay attention much. That is until I hear Crabbe's sentence stop short and hear him and Goyle get up quickly. I look over as he says, "we got to go."

Then the two book it out the door. Goyle's hair is turning orange and growing. Crabbe's is turning black, longer, and unruly. It was Harry and Ron using a potion I bet. I laugh to myself before going back to my book

okay so I'm ending this book soon hopefully who do you want to end with


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