the game

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y/n's pov

i was back in the slytherin common room with a scroll of parchment, ink, and my favourite raven quill and begin writing silently in the corner alone.

dear mom and dad,
i know that mom gets the letter first but whatever. mother please forward this letter to father once you have read it and possibly sent a reply home. I am doing fine and am in slytherin like the rest of my magical side of the family. However I don't personally enjoy it much in slytherin as there are many kids that don't like muggle born and are very rude to them and who they believe are blood traitors. So far everything has been very well and I've made friends with Ron weasley and hermione granger both gryffindors and both also friends with harry. I am also sort of friends with Draco Malfoy a slytherin along with me. The problem with Draco however is that he is one of the worst bullies to anyone not in slytherin.
my grades are doing great for the first few weeks of school and on Halloween a troll got into the dungeons! the prefects lead everyone to the common room and the slytherin common room is in the dungeons. we didn't see the troll though. on Monday the first quidditch game of the season is against gryffindor and slytherin. though i'm in slytherin harry's the seeker for gryffindor so i'll root for him.
How are you i was hoping to visit you both the Christmas break so please respond with how we should do that. XOXO Lots of love. y/n

i was writing for a while searching for the perfect words to use and didn't notice a certain bleach blonde sit next to me. "what are you writing" he asks. i jump at the sudden noise and look to see dragon boy.

"oh it's a letter to my mom and dad nothing much." i explain rolling up the parchment and tying it so the flight doesn't unroll it. 

"i see. i can walk you to the owlry" dragon boy says smiling.

i nod and we head to the owlry to find a good owl to use. while walking i see harry, hermione, and ginger and wave. quickly draco looks over and glares at the trio. draco quickens his pace and i decide to continue walking with him and quicken my pace as well. we enter the owlry and i look for a large owl. mom has a fairly normal sized owl to forward it to dad. she knows a little about muggle post but isn't very good at it.

draco waves a very large barn owl over and smiles. "how about him? he's my family's owl i'm sure mom and dad won't care if we use him." he explains. i nod smiling. he attaches the parchment to the leg of his owl and say "to y/n's mother" draco glances at me. 

"m/n fawley." i respond. the owl gives an odd nod and flies off.

"so the quidditch match is monday. are you excited? slytherin is definitely going to win!" dragon boy says. i smile giggling slightly.

"well i don't know, the gryffindors got a pretty good seeker and to pretty good beaters as i've heard. if i remember correctly harry said fred and george in practice are like to bludgers themselves." i reply.

draco seemed annoyed by my response. "are you not rooting for your house?!?" he asks incredulously.

"no i'm rooting for my friend. i don't know much about our team." i reply not noticing the anger growing through out the pale boy.

"well maybe i should teach you more about our team." he replies. i roll my eyes and head back to the where i saw the trio. dragon boy grabs my arm lightly. 

timeskip to the game

i was with draco nervous about the game. i did some research about quidditch and it can be very dangerous. the game starts out with gryffindor winning. i cheer for both teams though slytherin didn't get many points at first. after the first 10 or so minutes a bludger hits the gryffindor keeper oliver wood in the gut and he falls to the ground. i gasp as i watch the boy fall tense through and through. after that slytherin starts taking the lead. a few times i glimpse the snitch and follow it before i lose sight of the small golden ball once more.

I catch sight of the snitch again and it seems that the two seekers have to. my focus from the snitch is taken when harry's broom begins to try bucking him off. anxious i turn to him biting my lip. i don't pay mind to anything but the raven haired seeker and his rogue broom. the broom mostly bucks him off as harry dangles by his fingers trying to keep hold and not fall the 15 so foot drop. finally it stops suddenly and he's able to get back onto his broom. both seekers have lost sight of the golden snitch and so have i.

suddenly harry dives and the slytherin seeker follows. they're diving steeply to catch the snitch. soon before hitting the ground the slytherin seeker pulls up obviously not wanting to crash but harry tilts his broom horizantal with the ground standing upon his broom. i feel the tension building as he edges forward towards the fluttering ball. his broom trips him up and he falls.

worried i hide my face in my hands before hearing lee jordon the commentator say harry looks like he might puke. i look back to see indeed he seems as though he might vomit onto the field. he seems to vomit into his hands though and i gag slightly before he holds up the golden snitch.

"merlin's pants harry potter caught the snitch! gryffindor wins the game!" jordon screams. i smile clapping with the others earning a glare from the blonde beside me.

i roll my eyes and the rest of the students file inside. i wait with a very impatient dragon boy. "draco go in i'll meet you later i'm ju-" i start.

"no he's a gryffindor! we should go in together right now." i roll my eyes yet again before starting to argue.

after a minute or two i give up and decide to just walk over to the emerald eyed champion of this game. "hey harry good job on the game" i say smiling.

harry's face turns slightly pink probably from the adrenaline still rushing in his veins. "yeah it was pretty fun. i got a little worried when my broom started freaking out though." he mutters. i nod in agreement.

"let's eat lunch tomorrow k?" i ask and he merely nods in agreement.

i finally allow draco to pull me to the slytherin common room after a fairly large amount of complaints.

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