Points taken

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y/n's pov

i can't believe that dragon boy knows and that he threatened me....well the second on i sorta believe. i walk to the hospital wing to see the others. ron is talking about something and i approach quickly.

"he got the letter he knows" he whisper shouts.

"o y/n where were you?!? mafoy knows ab-"

"about the dragon yeah i know he told me." i explain a sorrow look on m face.

"he grabbed the letter from charlie he knows about the plan." ron exclaims in worry.

"it'll be fine we have the invisibility cloak so we won't get caught." i explain.

"i guess you're right." harry says worry still inked on his face.

"of course i am. besides after tonight we can't get in trouble because of the dragon because norbert will be gone" i say simply false confidence lacing my voice.

the three nodded and we began asking about how ron is feeling.


i was waiting and keeping a look out in the astronomy tower while hermione an harry grabbed norbert t bring up. i suggested i help harry carry norbert since i don't think hermione's that strong but whatever. i was looking out and then the door opens and closes before the cloak is thrown off the two and the cage with the Norwegian ridgeback inside. i look out the window as we wait for charlie's friends and see four brooms in the distance.

they arrive at the window and we help hook the cage to them and thank them profusely. "tell charlie ron is feeling better." i say and the nod.

"of course. goodbye." one says and the ride off quickly.

i smile relieved that finally the dragon will be out of the way. hermione and harry start heading to the door and i glance at the floor as i notice the invisibility cloak is off of them. i pick it up following.

"guys wait we n-" i begin to whisper shout before a prudish stern voice stopped me.

"what are you three doing here." i look up to see gryffindors head of house herself Ms. Mcgonagall. i glance to the boys that are with her to see a stout boy i know to be Neivelle Longbottom and then the git himself dragon boy. he seemed very proud of himself as mcgonagall drags the five of us to her office giving us a fairly good scold.

we enter her office and she turns to face us. "would you care to explain why you were at the astronomy tower at this hour." she says.

"well you see-" harry starts.

"we were-" hermione continues on trailing slightly thinking.

"stargazing from the best point. we couldn't sleep. i went there and then they showed up and we looked at the stars trying to relax our bodies." i finish.

Ms. Mcgonagall seemed to not enjoy this response. "well then since you openly admit to breaking the rules no matter what your reason is you're still in trouble. 50 points will be deducted from EACH of you. the five of you will also serve detention with hagrid tomorrow night." she concludes.

i stare in shock and disbelief for a moment. why didn't they put on the cloak?!? i ask myself. I know that the best way to not make things worst is to just go with it so i do. before i can speak dragon boy speaks up.

"excuse me did i hear you wrong? i thought you said the 5 of us?" he says confusion and slightly anger in his voice.

"you hear me correctly mr. Malfoy. you see though your intentions we well you too were out of bed past curfew." she responds to the bewildered and frustrated boy.

"okay ms. mcgonagall we'll go back to the dormitories now." i say watching to make sure she doesn't need anything else.

"yes all five of you may go." she says. i walk away with the trio.

under my breath i mutter "you forgot the cloak guys. i'll give it to you tomorrow so they don't see it." i say. harry seems dazed as he nods and i walk down to the slytherin dungeons as the blonde boy follows muttering profanities about how unfair it was. i ignore him and walk into the girls dormitory before going to bed.

the next day i can FEEL the rage radiating off of the gryffindors and slytherins. i don't blame them 100 and 150 points is a lot. i start walking to the great hall to have breakfast before flying lessons. i sit down at the very very back corner and grab a slice of toast. dragon boy glares at me though i ignore him completely, that is until he decides to sit right next to me.

"what do you want malfoy?" i ask annoyed not bothering to look at him.

"i can't believe i have to go to detention with you! it's disgusting you would even hang out with those bood-traitors and that filthy mud-blood." he spats, "you're a slytherin leave those gryffindors alone and just hang out with your house. slytherins don't hang with other houses" he growls.

"if you are here to just continue being a prat then just leave. i don't care what you have to say and don't call hermione a mud blood again." i say taking a bite of toast before getting up. i see harry enter and all the gryffindors it seems are glaring daggers at him. i walk over to him abandoning malfoy and walk with him to his house table. i get dirty looks from gryffindors and slytherins as people murmur. i ignore them sitting down and eat with my friend. this is gonna be a long week.

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