Dueling over her

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harry's pov

after the incident on Halloween professor gilderoy decided to start a dueling club to try and teach us more i suppose. i walks with y/n, ron, and hermione to the great hall where they were keeping the club. i smile my hand slipping into y/n's as we walk talkinng about what we think might happen. gilderoy is a bit eccentric so none of us fully knows. hermione thinks that we'll learn a lot because "gilderoy is so smart" and of course he would be amazing at teaching us. y/n doesn't think so.

"hah. no way he's teaching us anything. he's as dense as Osmium." she says snickering at her own joke? was that a joke.

hermione is shocked at this. she huffs ignoring her. hermione never fully liked y/n, she tolerates her. ron was silent as do i. we enter the great hall and notice a podium. we walk up and i glance around noticing that malfoy is also here. my grip on y/n's hand tightens ever so slightly and she just smiles gently giggling softly.

gilderoy introduces his "special guess" professor snape and i slightly relax. this class might be slightly helpful. they do a simple duel where snape disarms him and gilderoy acts as though it was obvious what he'd do.

"now lets pair up so that you guys can try." gilderoy says beginning to pair people up. i grab my wand and y/n does that same. we decided we should duel together but snape stops us.

"not so fast potter you'll be dueling malfoy." he says. i'm annoyed. why won't he let me duel y/n, she's in his house so it shouldn't matter. either way i walk over and start put my wand in position.

"have you got yourself a girlfriend potter" malfoy sneers.

"what are you talking about Malfoy and even if I do why would you care?" I glare at him.

"stay away from y/n. she is MY friend and you need to stay away from her." he growls. I growl too

"she was my friend first you don't get to decide who hangs out with her." I growl and move my wand "expelliarmus" his wand flew back and he stumbled.

he growls darkly and grabs his wand again. he pointed it at me and  I prepare to use the shielding curse. "serpensortia" he mumbles. i'm confused. what's that spell, soon I figure it out because a second later a snake flies out of his wand. I notice that the other pupils in the club have stopped to look. they also didn't know that spell it seems.

y/n's pov

I take a break from dueling nevielle, he's awful and I feel bad for him. I turn to see harry and draco but there's a snake in between the two. i'm confused and watch as it slithers up to harry. draco must have used a spell he read about because we haven't learned a spell that can conjure a snake. I smile at the snake and step forward. the snake turns seeing my movement and starts slithering to me.

I don't know if I should be scared or not. I decide to stay calm and start to crouch but before I can I hear harry. he's speaking parsel tongue. I straighten and look up to him. everyone's eyes are on him. I stay silent and the snake stops about a foot from me. he looks to the messy haired boy wavering. he seems unsure what to do. before I can do much snape comes up and so does gilderoy.

"we were supposed to be using disarming spells only boys! i'll take care of it." gilderoy says. I roll my eyes and look to the snake. the osmium blonde does a spell but rather getting rid of the snake it flies fifty feet into the air.

i'm in shock hoping it didn't get hurt. the snake starts falling back down and professor snape does a spell causing the snake to vanish. it's silent.

people are scared and then whisper outbreaks of harry being a parselmouth. I walk up to the the blonde dragon boy, and raven headed scrawny boy. "harry did you know?"

"know what?" he asks and I can't help but laugh at him.

"y/n let's go to the common room" dragon boy interrupts annoyed.

"no tha-"

before I can finish he grabs my hand pulling me. "that wasn't a request. come on let's hang out you can tell me about astrology stuff again." he says. I roll my eyes ayt him waving to harry.

"later loser" I say winking. he smiles and I could swear his face slightly brightens. I call him loser every now and then but only when I need to leave without choice. or when he's done something stupid or shocking.

I pull my arm from draco and walk beside him to the common room.

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