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draco's pov

i can't believe potter; who would think he's a parselmouth. i push the thought from my mind as y/n and i sit down by the fire. it's always pretty chilly in the common room since we're in the dungeons. she grabs her astrology book and scoots closer to me. she opens the book and reads explaining more in depth then the book at some parts. i stare at he e/c eyes; they sparkle in the firelight with passion and love.

As the night gets later the fire slowly dies and y/n leans against me yawning. "it's late, we should go to sleep." i say. she nods and stands stretches i follow suit

next day

y/n's pov

i walk down to the great hall yawning still. i'm dead tired; once i got to my dorm i got entranced back into my book and didn't fall asleep till probably 1. i sit down at the slytherin table and drink a cup of water. hopefully my body is just dehydrated and that'll wake me up soon. i eat a bit while drinking coffee. after my breakfast i head to professor McGonagalls classroom and take my seat. i review my homework from a few days back. i like McGonagall, she assigns large pieces of homework a few days before there due date. i get things ready as more students file in. the professor is in her animagus for sitting on desk for class to begin. once class begins she starts talk my mind wanders. i've never been good at focusing in this class but my mind is on the chamber of secrets. i look around. slytherins, slytherins and hufflepuffs. in my transfiguration class the slytherins and hufflepuffs study together. i wonder if any of them know what the chamber of secrets is. my mind is so off topic and i must have seemed confused or something because the next thing i know proffessor McGonagall calls on me.

"miss l/n is something the matter?"

i sit up straighter and look at her "uhm no ma'am sorry i'm just thinking about the chamber of secrets. can you tell us a bit more about it i'm just confused" i explain trying to seem collected after the surprise.

she seems unsure and stiff. "i suppose i can explain it a bit. when the four house came together to create hogwarts salazar slytherin had different views on who should learn at hogwarts. the legend says that before he left he created a chamber with a deadly beast in it to clear the school of people he deemed unworthy to learn here. it's said that one of his heirs will open the chamber again to clear the unworthy in slytherin's eyes." she explains. "however the castle has been searched thoroughly and no such chamber has been found so be assured there is no danger." i nod.

no danger....let's see if that's true.

IDEAS. okay listen i'm sorry i haven't been writing but i'm  dealing with some mental problems and been really unmotivated. please just give me ideas please!

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