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draco's pov

i can't believe her. i mean y/n's a slytherin and shouldn't waste her time talking to someone on gryffindor, especially the golden boy potter. i remember her saying the potter and her were friends before hogwarts but still he's a gryffindor who associates with mudbloods and blood traiters.  pull her into the slytherin common room silently fuming and she pulls her wrist from my grasp.

"dragon boy you should calm down. harry's my friend i don't care if he's in gryffindor or not." y/n says slight annoyance in her voice. i roll my eyes.

"well you should. imagine what would happen if others found out you associate with the people he associates with. i mean the blood traitors and mudbl-" i begin before she smacks me across the face. my eyes widen slightly and i look at her shocked. "what the h-"

"stop using that word. just because muggle borns aren't pure blood doesn't mean anything." she says coldly.

"y/n you're a fawley you should know more than anyone how disgraceful mud bloods are!" i retort.

y/n merely glares at me before leaving. i growl not wanting to waste my time on her right now. girls emotions are weird and she'll be better by tomorrow.

y/n's pov

i walk to the gryffindor common room and knock on the side of the portrait. "password?" the fat lady said.

"i don't know it. i just want to see my friends." i mumble.

"then you are not allowed to access the gryffindor common room" she responds. i roll my eyes and go to knock again when the portrait swings forward to reveal  harry smiling.

"thought i heard someone knocking. you know you shouldn't be here right did you forget your house." he chuckles and i smile at the feeble attempt at a joke.

"no i just wanted to hang out with someone i actually like. lot of the slytherins are being sour sports for losing and dragon boys pissed because i was talking to you." i explain as harry lets me in.

"dragon boy?" he questions before i quickly explain it's malfoy. 

"i see, so you have a nickname for ron and malfoy but not your best friend." he chuckles and i smile. harry often times questions why i don't give him a nickname. simple, most of my nicknames are insults that i use. i don't mean for them to be harsh but it's just what sticks out to me ad makes them special.

"well what do you want your nickname to be?" i question as we sit in the corner of the gryffindor common room getting a few glances from others.

"i don't know what do you think?" he responds looking at me intently.

"hmm well gryffindors mascot is a lion, so it could be that but you also have raven black hair and that scar. bu i don't want it to deal with you scar, that's to mean even for me."

harry chuckles and we start discussing anything and everything. i glance at the time to see it's nearly 8. i jump up quickly.

"harry i have to go it's almost 8 and i dnt want to be caught out of the common rooms after curfew." i say in a rush leaving and waving.

"HEY Y/N WAIT." harry follows me and i turn around slightly. "next time you want to talk the password is caput draconis" i nod smiling and start heading to the stairs. i slide down the banister to get down quicker and am soon on the ground floor. i quickly scurry to the dungeons and enter the slytherin common room.

"huh someones in the common room after curfew." i hear and glance over to see zambini, dragon boy, crabbe, goyle, and parkinson. zambini looks up with a slight smirk on his face.

"lost track of time and besides it's only a minute or two late. i got here in 5 minutes from the 7th floor. i was fast enough in my opinion." i hiss. whatever i said must have ticked off malfoy. 

"why were you on the 7th floor! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY WENT TO THE GRYFFINDOR COMMON ROOM YOU TRAITOR" he yells standing up and gripping my forearm.

i was completely shocked at his reaction. "sorry dragon boy but i actually have an open mind to inter-house friendships" i hiss before going to my dormitories. i lay in the four poster bed silently and glance out the window to see a giant eye. i giggle walking over to the window watching the giant squid move through the water. i smile to myself before grabbing one of my many books about magical creatures. i've always been fascinated by animals magical or not. my mother always called her the new newt scamander and promised to try and get in touch with some of her friends so i can meet a magi-zoologist. i smile as i begin to read starting at the occamys. it was amazing reading a book by someone who was kicked out of school yet still did something with their life.

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