Presents & Pasties

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Draco's pov

I was staying at Hogwarts for Christmas with Crabbe, Goyle, y/n, and one or two other Slytherins. usually, Slytherins go home for the holidays. It was Christmas eve and I went into the common room from the dormitory. I was tired of listening to Crabbe and Goyle snort and laugh talking about tomorrow. I notice y/n by the fire asleep holding her book, checking the time I see it's about 10 pm. I smile walking over and sit down beside the Slytherin I wish I could confess my feelings to. It's strange, I've never felt this way but whenever potter's around her I feel a flame inside me of jealousy. I pet her hair and see y/n stir.

"y/n do you want to go into your dorms? I bet that'd be comfier than the floor," I say gently.

she stirs whining slightly as he e/c eyes open slightly as she looks at me.

"Draco?" she asks confused sitting up. 

"You should go to your dorm, it's better than sleeping on the floor," I say softly.

"but the dorm doesn't have a fire and it's warm here," she says softly. I can see the sleep still blurring her eyes.

"come on I'll walk you to the steps," I say and stand helping y/n up. I walk her to the steps and bid her goodnight. after her shadow is distorted and hidden by the wall I go back to the fire watching it crackle. eventually, I feel tired and go upstairs to sleep.

in the morning
y/n's pov

I walk downstairs into the dormitory to see the Christmas tree illuminated and see Crabbe, Goyle, Millicent, and Draco around the tree talking happily. I walk down and wave slightly as they turn noticing me.

"morning" I mumble awkwardly.

sure Millicent and Draco are my friends but I'm still tired and usually, the common room is crowded especially in the morning. it's quiet and unnerving. Millicent smiles at me and pats the spot beside her. I walk over and sit and she hands me some gifts from under the tree addressed to me. 

As we open the gifts, the four waited so that we could open our gifts together. I told them they could've opened them without me when Draco said "where's the fun in that? it's better to open them up with friends" he says and I smile.

"I suppose" we begin opening our gifts. My mother sent me a new book and my father sent me a portable telescope. Draco notices that I paused to examine it and chuckles. Millicent and I look over to him, Crabbe and Goyle must have either finished unwrapping their presents or left.

"that's beautiful y/n. now you can look at the stars whenever huh," he says and smiles.

I nod smiling back. it's so beautiful. I see a package from harry and a card attached to it. I open the card and hide a small blush that forms.

Dear y/n,
Merry Christmas! I was wondering if tomorrow you'd like
to go to the black lake with me for lunch. Just the two of
us for a picnic date. If yes please meet me there at noon. I'll
bring f
ood and drinks but I want to talk. Thank you
I hope you like the sweets and journal.
Love, Harry <3

I open his gift to see some pumpkin pasties and a star journal. Millicent looks over my arm and snickers. I look over to her. "so what' going on between you two~?" she says teasingly. Draco looks up from a ring.

"n-nothing!" I stammer hiding the note

"suuuure." she giggles. I look away blushing.

"who?" the blonde dragon boy asks.

"no one," I say while Millicent blurts out "potter." simultaneously with me. I blush darkly and see Draco's eyes flash with jealousy.

"It's nothing dragon boy I promise," I say smiling gently.

"Fine," he says shrugging. "Hey y/n you still have one more present," he says and I see him smile back to me.

I look and see a small parcel. I pick it up gently opening to see a necklace that has the z/s (zodiac sign) constellation. I check who sent it to see another note.

Dear y/n,
I can't stall telling you anymore.
I love you.
Sincerely, Look up.

My gaze turns up and I see Draco smiling awkwardly. I notice that Millicent must have left. My blush is apparent and strong. "Let's go-to breakfast," he says holding out a hand. I grab it and head off to breakfast my face burning bright red.

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