Chamber of secrets

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y/n's pov

after the feast we were all for some reason walking up a few steps after being told something happened. as we walk we see blood on the walls saying "the chamber of secrets has been opened enemies of the heir beware."

fear prickles my neck as i notice mr. filch holding mrs. norris who's still like rock. i notice dragon boy has not left my side and hear him mutter "you'll be next mudbloods."

i elbow his gut and he glares at me. mrs. mcgonnagal clears her throat obviously also worried. she says in a clear voice "prefects please lead your houses back to your common rooms."

i stay silent watching harry, ron, and hermione. a slitherin prefect come to the front pushing us back slightly whil the other leads us to the dungeons. i stay silent racking my brain for what happened. the chamber of secrets...the chamber of secrets what is that? i sigh thinking about what might have happened. what happened to mrs. norris. i stay silent and once we're to the common room i instantly go to my room so i can read and try to think and clear my mind. while going up to stairs i hear malfoy tell me to come back. i ignore him.

got an ideas? please comment sorry for the short chapter.

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