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Harry's pov

I watch as y/n and Draco talk and laugh during breakfast over at the Slytherin table. If I'm not mistaken y/n's face seems redder then usual. Either she's sick or Draco did something to make her blush. I sigh holding my tongue back knowing it's probably the latter. I walk over and smile, "hey y/n. Merry Christmas" I say happily.

"Hey Harry" she replies 

"Are you down for the picnic tomorrow?" I ask. I glance to see Draco's reaction and he seems annoyed. He likes y/n I bet.

"Yeah, it sounds like a nice time," she responds smiling.

"Do you want to eat with me this morning?" I ask smiling back.

"She's eating with me. Sorry, Potter." Malfoy buds in.

"I'm sorry Harry, I'll eat with you at lunch though, okay?" Y/n compromises. Even though I'm annoyed I agree. While in the polyjuice potion I'll get back at him.

Draco's pov

I am livid! How dare Harry take y/n on a date! I know that I'm jealous but I think I'm allowed to be. I did admit to liking her and she knows now. But of course, here comes perfect scar head potter coming to steal y/n from me cause he's so famous and perfect. I glare slightly but y/n waves goodbye to him and we walk to our table and sit.

I decide to not bring up the note and we just talk calmly. I keep telling her jokes so I can hear that beautiful laugh. While we eat the food is amazing as always, especially on Christmas. Finally while ending breakfast I decide to finally bring up my note.

"So y/n? About the note...." I start. I notice her cheeks become pink and I smile. I feel my face might be slightly rosy as well.

y/n's pov

My mind races as I think how to respond. Do I love him?

A) Decide to date him

B) Stay friends but not more

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