Picnic Time & Finale (Harry)

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A/n-I'm so sorry. I forgot about this and honestly thought it was finished. This is the ending for Harry and ending up with him
y/n's pov

It was finally the next day. I had a blast playing in the snow, drinking hot cocoa, reading by the fire, and talking with my friends. I was walking towards the great lake for the picnic I had with Harry and humming to myself. I had brought my wand, obviously, but also a blanket so that the ice cold snow doesn't freeze us. I walk over to where Harry is. He smiles and i set the large blanket down doubbling it over. Harry had already cleared a section of the sidewalk of snow.

"Hey y/n. I'm glad you came." he says sitting down. I sit to nodding.

"Of course." I respond not knowing much of what to talk about.

"Uh y/n. I actually wanted to talk to you about something." Harry says.

"About what?"

"I uh....I was wondering if we could maybe date? Or something. I like you a lot and well I was just hoping you return the feelings." He explains blushing and stumbling over his words.

I stay still. Why does he like me? I mean yeah we've been friends since I could remember but... Another thing that confuses my mind is how Draco also admitted he likes me. I don't know what to say or do. I mean I like Harry, a lot, more than Draco even though Draco is a great friend. I think I do love him.

"I'd like that." I say trying to keep my voice under control. I can feel my face heat up with the blush coming.

"Really?" he asks smiling.

I smile back gently nodding. Harry hugs me and kisses my cheek.

"I love you y/n."

"I love you too."

"Thank you. I just...I've felt this way a long time actually. It's amazing knowing you love me too. I promise to make you happy. It'll be amazing." Harry says and I smile nodding. Then Harry and I begin eating again. After we finish the sandwiches brought I take a sip out of the cocoa. I notice Harry staring at me and blush.

"Is something on my face?" I say teasingly. He snaps out of his faze and shakes his head.

"No, I'm sorry I was just looking at how pretty you are. Sorry." He says chuckling to himself. I laugh slightly as well. Suddenly I feel a cold slush on the side of my face.

I gasp from the shock and look over. I see Draco; confused I get up wiping the snow off. "Uh, Hi dragon boy," I say softly.

"Are you on a date!" He cries. I glance at Harry then back.

"Well it didn't start out that way..." my voice wanders as I speak.

Draco's voice caches in his throat slightly and I see the pain in his eyes. I take a step forward but he steps back. "W-why?!? I thought you felt the same towards me!"

"D-draco I enver said I-" I start but Harry interrupts.

"You like her too?" He says his voice laced with annoyance.

Draco glares at him for a moment before turning to me again. "Y/n, are you dating him?" he asks his voice struggling to not crack as he holdds back tears.

My voice is at a loss and all I can manage is a nod. Draco stays silent staring at me then Harry. Draco looks down as his hands turn into tight fists.

"If he's the one you want I won't stop you. I just want you to know that if you don't want to be friends anymore because of this relationship I won't force it on you. I'm not gonna try and pursue you and I'm not gonna stop making fun of Scar head just because you're dating," Draco announces.

"I don't want to stop being friends. I understand if you need a break from hanging out and everything though," I respond.

Draco stay silent, thinking, and then nods. He turns stiffly and leaves. I stay still and silent. Harry wraps his hand into mine and I look up to him. Harry gives me a small and unsure smile. I smile back and hugs him tightly.

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