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y/n's pov

i sit by my desk as the owl flutter on top as i begin to write my reply.

dear dragon boy,
i don't understand why you want to hang out so bad but i'm sorry no i do not want to hang out. Currently I am busy plotting against my friends relatives whom are awful. Harry is locked in his room and I need to help him. it has been one day since your last letter and no reply is quite normal if it hasn't been over a day. as i find it interesting you are so intrigued in how my summer is going it's going awfully. as i said harry is locked in his room thus i can't speak to him. now please stop writing. i understand you and i are in the same house however we are not friends.
sincerely, l/n

 i sigh in exasperation and hand the owl my reply. he flies off and i begin thinking of how to help harry.

draco's pov

i was anxiously waiting the answer from y/n hoping that she would agree to a date in diagon alley. i was restless and then i saw my owl swooping into the window landing beside my. quickly i open the letter my eyes skimming across the parchment. i feel anger boiling up inside me. she keeps bringing up that dumb ass potter. even during summer break she thinks of him.

she doesn't even care how we're in the same house she doesn't want to be friends. i go to my desk and think. how should i deal with this the best way. of course i could just reply saying i'm coming over next week to go to diagon alley with you whether you like it or not, and to be honest i really want to say that however i can't if i want to actually become friends with her. i sigh and head downstairs to my mother.

"mother." i say thinking still. she looks up and smiles at me.

"yes draco?" she questions smiling sweetly.

"i have this girl that i really like and want to be friends with but she doesn't want to be friends or hang out with me. she's a slytherin to and she just doesn't want to try and get to know me. what should i do?" i ask briefly explaining my predicament.

my mum hums in thought before responding, "well maybe you should explain that if she gets to know you she'll like you some more. you're a very smart boy draco i'm sure that whoever she is will end up enjoying spending time with you." she says softly. i smile brightly nodding; she's totally right!

"thanks mum" i say rushing back to my room running through what i will say in my letter.

i sit at my desk and grab a roll of parchment and my favourite eagle quill. i begin to write back:

dear y/n,
I understand we aren't friends yet but that's why I want to hang out and go to diagon alley with you. i'm a good guy and i don't understand why you don't want to hang out with me. maybe a trip to diagon alley is what you need to clear your brain to "plot against your friends relatives". it's summer break and you need to relax. besides it's always a good idea to have friends in your own house. i swear once you get to know the real me you'll enjoy hanging out with me more. while we're in diagon alley we can go to the leaky cauldron and work on our summer homework together. i'm very smart and so if either of s need help we can help eachother. or we could go to the ice cream shop down the street from there. i just think that it's a good idea for you to relax during summer break and to make friends in your own house.

sincerely, draco malfoy.

i sign the letter and send it off once again to the bright e/c eyed, h/c haired, girl. man was she beautiful. i shake my head and eagerly await for the reply.

y/n's pov

i was in my room beginning to read fantastic beasts when drgon boy's owl swooped into my room through the window. i groan in exasperation and stand to get an owl treat. i keep them in my room for any letters and boy oh boy does this owl deserve one. malfoy keeps having his owl go back and forth and i bet he's tired. i hand the little bird a treat and begin to read his letter.

i sigh, dragon boy does have some key points. maybe if i go to diagon alley with him once he'll stop asking. i nod and grab parchment and the pen i keep by my desk. i'm not fucking with a quill today.

dear dragon boy,

fine i'll go to diagon alley with you. but only once! please stop sending letters and give your owl a break. he needs it. i will meet you at the leaky cauldron on sunday at 11.
sincerely, l/n

with that i give the poor bird another treat before sending him off with my reply. i sigh hoping it works and get back to my book.

draco's pov

i was anxiously waiting yet again for a reply and then i see my owl swooping in seemingly very happy. he had a tiny scrap of parchment on his leg and i quickly read the note. the re-read it again, and again, and again. i'm shocked she actually agreed to go to diagon alley. I jump up in victory and rush downstairs nearly falling to tell my mother.

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