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draco's pov ooh

i walk into hogwarts and eye the girl that was with harry potter and the obvious weasley. i mean he has red hair, freckles, and hand me down robes there was no question about it. for some reason i couldn't get the girl out of my head. i don't know what it is but i sorta hope she's a slytherin i mean she sorta seems like one....kinda.

y/n's pov

while the lists of first years get shorter and shorter it is finally my turn.

"l/n, y/n" the professor calls out. i sit down on the stool and then the hat covers my eyes. i smile slightly as he talks to me.

"interesting. quite a smart girl i see would fair well in ravenclaw but no....hmmm yes wonderful i think you ought to be"

i hold my breath and cross my fingers.

"SLYTHERIN" the hat screams. i shock take the hat off and walk to the table sitting at the end. i look at my lap while the ceremony finishes and dumbledore gives his start of year speech.

"before i let you eat i wish to say a few words and here they are; Nitwit blubber oddment tweak. thank you." he says and i giggle smiling at those odd words for the school year.

i eat a little bit of but don't fill myself as usual. i often times don't enjoy eating till i feel my stomach is going to burst because it doesn't feel good to me obviously. after everyone finished their meals our house prefect brought us to the slytherin common room.

immediantly i go to the bedroom and sit on the four poster with my stuff next to it and begin to read one book my mom so sweetly gave me about all the magical animals well most of them. i hear one of the girls snicker at me and i glance up to see someone with short black hair and a round face watching me.

"we don't have class till tomorrow you know." she says. "i also don't even think that book is on our list is it?" she continues.

"no it's not it was something my mom got me for starting hogwarts." i say and ignore her continuing my book.

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