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y/n's pov

it was charms class and we were working on a levitating some feather and i note the wand movements. i was truly bored. when i'm at my dad's on halloween we alsways play games and trick or treat and put on costumes and fun stuff like that.....right now all i'm doing is doing the swish and flick.

i levitate the feather with ease and then set it back down. i do so again and again and again, never to high to not draw attention. draco is messing up however and unable to get it.

"leviosA dragon boy pronounce the ah more than the oh" i mutter under my breath.

"wingardium leviosa!" he says and the feather finally levitates. after a bit he glances back at me. "did you call me dragon boy"

i nod smirking. "your name" i clarify

"is draco not dragon boy" he growls. i roll my eyes.

"same thing. draco is latin for dragon therefor you are dragon boy. like the school motto 'Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus' or never tickle a sleeping dragon." i say while levitating the feather bored.

draco rolls eyes and continues to levitate the dumb feather.

finally the bell rings.


i walk into the great hall smiling for the grand feast. everyone begins eating and conversing and the professor quirrell runs in yelling.

"TRoLl In ThE DUNgeON TrOLl IN ThE DUngEON.....just thought you ought to know" he finishes softly then faints. all hell breaks loose as people scream as fear runs loose.

headmaster dumbledore stands shouting for silence. everyone freezes and looks at the old man with his long white hair scraggly all around his face. "house prefects will lead their houses to their common rooms teachers follow me into the dungeons." he says clearly and loudly.

i scoff and follow our prefect to our common room in the dungeon i might add. dragon boy is next to me and i can feel the fear radiating off him. "you know dragon boy...the troll is in the dungeon where our common room is." i say smirking while staring at my feet continuing to follow the prefect.

i feel him tense and he goes to grab my hand. i quickly pull away and see a slight flight of anger. it doesn't last long as he freaks out again.


i was in the common room finishing the feast there instead of the hall. i keep taunting draco about how scared he was. after a minute or so the blonde in rage gripped my robe pulling me closer and growling "will you shut up already" he voice was low, quiet, and slightly scary.

i giggle despite the slight fear arising in the pit of my stomach. his icy grey eyes glaring at me and then he lets go getting up and leaving. i decide i best go apologize and get up following. i walk up the stairs to the boys dormitories for first years and knock.

"enter" malfoy said and i walk in.

"sorry. i just thought it was sorta funny. you're usually so cool and unphased." i explain. draco looks at me the anger still implaced in his eyes. "i really am sorry i just wanted to have a laugh didn't know it would make you so infuriated." i continue. the blonde sighs exasperated and shrugs.

"don't do it again and we can maybe be friends. i forgive you." he mutters. i smile nodding and get up. i may not want to be his friend or best friend but i don't want to be an enemy of his....or anybody. i want to know and at least tolerate everyone in my house thought that may be hard.

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